la providencia de Dios

cuando alguien provee, está dando algo, como tu mamá y papá usualmente provee una buen casa para su familia, y también usualmente proveen la comida para su familia.

ejemplos en la biblia:

  • Dios nos dio su único hijo: Jesus

  • Dios nos dio la tierra

  • Dios dio muchos promesas

  • Dios provee el arco

  • Dios provee buenas vidad para personas en la biblia

ejemplos en mi vida:

  • Dios me ha prohibido una buena familia

  • Dios me ha prohibido una escuela cristiano

  • Dios me ha prohibido buenos amigos

  • Dios me ha prohibido comida

  • Dios me ha prohibido agua

from asia to the US

My family was really poor because there were no jobs in asia, so my mom and dad decided to go to the US for a job. We decided to go to the US by a big boat that brings people to angel island. the boat ticket costed a lot, and we did not have enough money for the boat ticket, so we worked a lot for our neighbors to get money.we got on the boat and the enormous boat took of, with lots of people on it. it was hard saying goodbye to our neighbors and friends, but we still got on the boat.we got there, and we saw lots of people, it was loud and crowded. we had to sleep in barracks when we were waiting, it was hard to entertain ourselves.