Who am I?, Who are we?, Who is he?

Who am I?

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

I praise him because he made me.

 My symbol is a pencil because it is used to create stuff just like God is my creator.

Who are we?

As we worship together in God’s word we will grow closer to him as a community, as a family of God. We worship him as a community, we pray we sing we read the bible as a community.

 My symbol is  people holding hands because we are a community, a family of God.

Who is he?

He is God, he is my healer spiritually and physically. Like when I lose a friend he heals me with a new friend.

 My symbol is a ambulance because God is my healer.



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