God’s Preparation

Ok. So this is one that I don’t know what to write or how to write it. So I’m just gonna trust God and write whatever he puts in my head, and who knows, he might give me an idea on what to write. Here goes nothing.


I think a big way that God is preparing me to  serve him here on earth is through all the extra things I do along with school. I also do Spanish Immersion, Calling all Colors, I’m in advanced math, I’m a small group leader, I do sports, I’m in a bible study as well as a youth group. I also feel like having adopted siblings and having people live with us has also really opened my mind to what and who I consider family. I believe that God is not done preparing me for his ministry here.

Why is it important that we learn about Christian Persecution?

I think it’s important to learn about the persecution of Christians, because we need to know how important the God we worship is. How far we should be willing to go. How other Christians are living, how they worship. We need to know how easy it is for us to follow him, to know that we need to stay true to him, even if it means death, even if it means being unpopular, or not cool. We need to start setting our sights on heaven, not on this world. We should at least do God’s work in the best of conditions if they do his work in the worst of conditions.

Ideal church vs. Early church

Recently in class we made up the attributes of our ideal church and studied the early church in the bible. After that we compared them, and there were a bunch of differences that were kind of eye-opening. It was odd how our ideal church was about comfort while the early church was about fellowship and closeness.

God Sightings

This weekend I went to the South Olive Bible Study. We talked about “Abram’s Shield”, when God said something along the lines of “Don’t be scared because I am with you and I am your shield” or something like that. It meant that bad things are coming, but don’t be afraid because God’s with you and you are his creation.

Bible Exam























Slide to destruction







Salute to a King





Symbol of a lamp


Sent to the promised land


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