Slave Story

Slave Story

By:Elise Dannenberg

I am a slave in Kentucky and  I work in the garden it is really hard. The only thing I eat is corn and it is getting really annoying. I travel with the Underground Railroad and the north star. I hide in wagons to get to places.Before I went to follow the north star. I had to find food and water to survive. it was hard to find water but I save the food.When I was at the Underground Railroad I saw black people.How they help was they gave me food and a lot of water I was thirsty. The people that was helping me are nice!After I was in Canada I got my own little house with tons of food and water. I had a little garden.Then … The civil war came.I heard gun shots all day.Then I heard that the south state won and I was sad but I’m still happy I am out of slavery.


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