Name Elise_________________________________    Company  Pencil holder________________________


Market Day – Pitch Reflection

Consider the following questions and answer them completely. Use complete sentences and proper conventions. Show that you have really reflected on the questions. Write your answers to the questions on your blog.


  1. How do you think your pitch went? Summarize the parts of your pitch in 3 to 5 sentences.

It went really well. they ask less questions than I thought they would. They all seemed like they liked it, and that is good.

2.What went well?

We all knew what to say, and when to say it. That is really good.

3.What did not go so well?

I forget to say the rhyme, but they did not notice or they did not know I had to say it.

4.Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

There was a big table. A big screen to show our Prezi off the computer. It was a small room, with a lot of chairs.

5.How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Before- really nervous that we would forget something.

During- really good

After- so happy that it went well

6.Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? Why or why not?

I think we were well prepared. We didn’t forget really anything.

7.If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

I think it went well. I would not do anything different.

8.What questions from the Venture Capitalists surprised you?

Can you put anything else in it.

9.What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

Don’t be scared

Be confident

Be happy

10.What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?

Our $36 plus $4% interest and a free pencil holder.

11.Now, watch the video of your pitch. Any new insights?


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