Dangerous Journey Essay

Follow The Hard But Right Way

By: Elise Dannenberg

Have you ever done something hard that you thought you could never do? Well I read a book that someone named Christian had to do so many things that were hard! Follow the hard but right way because in this book it drew me closer to God, to trust in him always, and he is always with me.


Following the hard but right way draws me closer to God. Just like Christian at the cross, he got new clothes. I think that drew him closer to God. That would have drawn me closer to God. How it drew me closer to God is God show Christian the way, so I think he is going to show me the way too, the way to heaven.


Following the hard but right way makes me trust in God. When Christian was at Vanity Fair. All the people there was saying “Buy, buy.” Christian and Faithful had to trust in God.  I trust in God that God he will keep me safe. How this applies to my life is that sometimes the devil tries to make me turn the other way to him.


Following the hard but right way helps me remember that God is with me. When Christian had to face Apollyon he was scared, but he knew God was with him. In that story it told me that he is always with me and I should never turn my back on God.

Following the hard but right way is in Dangerous Journey but it is in our life too.  The journey I am on  draws me closer to God, trust in him always, and he is with me always.

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