The Boston Massacre

I think it was the colonists fault because…

  • they were coming to the Custom’s House where the kings money is,with clubs and snowballs.
  • they were saying horrid threats.
  • they were striking clubs at us.
  • we heard the word fire and thought it came from captain preston but it came from the colonist.

I think it was not the british fault.



Dangerous Journey Essay

Follow The Hard But Right Way

By: Elise Dannenberg

Have you ever done something hard that you thought you could never do? Well I read a book that someone named Christian had to do so many things that were hard! Follow the hard but right way because in this book it drew me closer to God, to trust in him always, and he is always with me.


Following the hard but right way draws me closer to God. Just like Christian at the cross, he got new clothes. I think that drew him closer to God. That would have drawn me closer to God. How it drew me closer to God is God show Christian the way, so I think he is going to show me the way too, the way to heaven.


Following the hard but right way makes me trust in God. When Christian was at Vanity Fair. All the people there was saying “Buy, buy.” Christian and Faithful had to trust in God.  I trust in God that God he will keep me safe. How this applies to my life is that sometimes the devil tries to make me turn the other way to him.


Following the hard but right way helps me remember that God is with me. When Christian had to face Apollyon he was scared, but he knew God was with him. In that story it told me that he is always with me and I should never turn my back on God.

Following the hard but right way is in Dangerous Journey but it is in our life too.  The journey I am on  draws me closer to God, trust in him always, and he is with me always.

Market day reflection

Market Day Reflection

One thing I learned from collaboration is that everybody needs to put their heads together to agree on things. One time we did  critical thinking was when we were going to do magnetic slime, but that was too much money so are second choice was Bolder Holders. One time for creativity we had to think what we could put on our Bolder Holders and we thought we could put on ribbon and stickers. One thing I learned about Communication is that you have to have everybody’s idea, and have teamwork! The best thing about Market day was that we sold our last Bolder Holder at the last minute. We were so happy and we got a hundred dollars!!!!  One thing that I would change is to bring school supplies to put in one Bolder Holder. The most important thing that I learned is how to Market things, so if i every want to market things I will know how.

Name Elise_________________________________    Company  Pencil holder________________________


Market Day – Pitch Reflection

Consider the following questions and answer them completely. Use complete sentences and proper conventions. Show that you have really reflected on the questions. Write your answers to the questions on your blog.


  1. How do you think your pitch went? Summarize the parts of your pitch in 3 to 5 sentences.

It went really well. they ask less questions than I thought they would. They all seemed like they liked it, and that is good.

2.What went well?

We all knew what to say, and when to say it. That is really good.

3.What did not go so well?

I forget to say the rhyme, but they did not notice or they did not know I had to say it.

4.Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

There was a big table. A big screen to show our Prezi off the computer. It was a small room, with a lot of chairs.

5.How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Before- really nervous that we would forget something.

During- really good

After- so happy that it went well

6.Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? Why or why not?

I think we were well prepared. We didn’t forget really anything.

7.If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

I think it went well. I would not do anything different.

8.What questions from the Venture Capitalists surprised you?

Can you put anything else in it.

9.What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

Don’t be scared

Be confident

Be happy

10.What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?

Our $36 plus $4% interest and a free pencil holder.

11.Now, watch the video of your pitch. Any new insights?


Market Day

Investing in our Pencil Holder company  will give a positive return to everyone involved

By:Elise D, Carley V, and Zeke. H


Do you want a pencil holder that is a lot bolder? Investing in our company is a wise decision.  Here is three reasons why it is a wise decision to invest in our company: By selling one pencil holder our profit would be 30 cents so there would be a big profit in return. You will know where your pencils are at all times. By supporting our company some of the profit will go to a girl in the Philippines named Abigail.  She can go to a Christian school.


3 Reasons with Evidence

  1. Investing in our company is a wise decision because the cost to make it is low so we will have a large profit in return. The cost to make one pencil holder is 64 cents. We will put the price for $1.00. We will make 100 of them. Our profit will be 30 cents on each pencil holder. By selling 100 pencils we will have a revenue of $100. Our expenses will be $64 giving us a profit of $36. That is not BAD!


  1. Investing in our company is a wise decision because  A pencil holder will help you know where your pencils are all the time and they are for all ages. Our pencil holders work in offices, at home, or at school! My Mom needs one to hold her pens at work. My mom wants a colorful one like ours.


  1. The best reason of all will be that Abigail and her family will benefit from the profit. She can go to a Christian school. Her school’s name is Grace Community Christian School. We want to make money for her so can you help us?



So do you want to buy a pencil holder? There are lots of decisions so  do you want to buy it if I could I would buy one but I makeing it with my group. We want to raise money to give to Abigail so she can go to an Christian school so she can learn about Jesus. So I hope you can buy one!  We wanted to make pencil holders because we lose are pencils so we made up our minds to make pencil. Are pencil holders are different  from any other.  

Earth Day Essay

Saving The World


The sea animals, land animals, and fish are in danger! In this essay you’re going to know how to help them.

The sea animals in the ocean is in danger! Plastic is flowing into the ocean and  the animals can die. They are getting plastic around their necks, eating it, and that is really BAD! So to stop it if you see trash pick it up!


One-third of the vertebrates are threatened and that is bad and invertebrates are in danger too! People are destroying their habitats because we are building roads and cutting down trees.


Saving the reef. According to scientist The Great Barrier Reef has lost 50% of their reef from the past 30 years, from pollution and the climate changing. To save that they are going to get 100 million Australian dollars.

Now you know that the sea animals are eating plastic and getting it around their necks, Animals are in danger too!,and save the reef.

Brian’s Winter

Brian’s Winter

The characters in the book are: Brian,the people that saved him, and betty the skunk. The setting is in the woods in Canada. The problem is that winter is coming and he need’s to be prepared. The solution is that Brian made a vest out of animal skin (moose skin and rabbit skin) and  storing meat. How to survive in the winter alone.

It’s important To Have A Friend

It Is Important To Have a Friend

By: Elise Dannenberg

Do you have a friend? If you don’t, you should. This is why: You can spend time together, you can share your honest opinions, and there to support you.


You can spend time together and here is some examples. Your friends spend quality time with you and never let you feel lonely. They give you time whenever you require to be with someone and make you smile even in despair. They are the ones with whom you can tell silly jokes and be crazy. They are always fun to be with and never allow you to get bored.

You can share your honest opinions. Friends are not only important to love and care for you or enjoy with you but also to guide you and correct you whenever you do something wrong. Also, as they are the ones who truly know what you are, they can almost always tell you what is right for you and what not. Every time you require an honest opinion regarding anything about you, you can approach a true friend.

The last reason is there to support you For any kind of help one needs, one can always approach a friend. True friends selflessly help you whenever you require it and whatever help you need, they are ready to happily stand by you and cater to all your needs. They support you unconditionally and are the pillars of strength. Even when the whole world is against you, a friend offers that much needed support and helps you gain the strength and energy to fight for yourself, against the whole world. Friends are undoubtedly the best support system of every person’s life.

Now you know t it is important that we have a friend because you can spend time together,  you can share your honest opinions, and there to support you.You should have a friend.

Preschool buddies

Preschool Buddies are Good to Have

By: Elise Dannenberg

Preschool buddies are good to have because you can be an example, little kids are not afraid of “big kids”, and it’s fun.

You can be an example by not being mean. if you ever get a preschool buddy you will need to act nice. Here is an example I had a preschool buddy so I had to act nice.

Another reason is they will not be scared of “big kids” one example is that I had a preschool buddy in third grade she was a little scared but at the end of the year she was so friendly.

The last reason is that it is fun. Here is an example in third grade I got to go to captain sundae with her. Another reason is I made a pinball machine and they got to play it.

Now you know that it is good to have preschool buddies because you can be an example, little kids are not afraid  of “big kids”, and it is fun!

It is good to have preschool buddies.

My Faith Story

My Faith Story

By: Elise Dannenberg

1.What do I believe?

I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save my sins. I can’t be perfect by myself. I need God.

  1. How does this affect what you do everyday?

I do some sins everyday and I pray to God and he forgives me.

  1. What would I want people to know about my faith?

I want people to know about God and How he died for me.

  1. What are my goals as a christian?.

To tell people a lot about god and Good and how he died for me.

The Haymeadow [Book Summary]

The Haymeadow

By:Elise Dannenberg

The characters in the story are John, Cawley, Johns father,and Tink. It takes place in Wyoming. John was fourteen and Tink had surgery so John had to go to the haymeadow to take care of the sheep. Johns father said that Cawley had to take him up and then when they got there they would go to sleep and in the morning Cawley would leave. On the way there Cawley said do you have any questions and John had tons but he did not know what one he should do first. When they get there they set up then they went to sleep. Cawley left and there was problems…

There was a snake and John had to kill it with a big rock.

There was a skunk and it sprayed smell on John and Pete and they had to go in the stream to get the smell out.

There was coyotes and they were eating the sheep and killing them.

There was a black bear and he killed sixteen sheep and he scratched John’s shoulder.

There was a flood so the horses had to pull it up.

So he had to kill thing with his rifle.

As you get older you need to do something that you don’t want to do but you get better at it.

My [every kid should…] Essay

Every kid should know how to camp

By: Elise Dannenberg

Every kid should know how to camp because you can have fun, you might need to do it on your own some time, and you need to pack everything.

One reason that you should know how to camp is it fun. I like to ride a bike or play in a pond.There is a lot of things that you can do. One time I was on my bike with my cousins that was fun.

Another reason of why you should go camping is that you might need to do it by yourself sometime. So you should do it with your family first and then by yourself. Here is an example. One time I camped with my cousins in my tent, and I was not scared because I camp a lot.

Another reason that you should know how to camp is you need to

bring everything. An example is my mom had to remember to bring everything or you will not have it.

Now that you know that you have to have fun!, you might need to do it sometime by YOURSELF,and you need to bring everything.

Final Pinball Reflection

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Pinball-Example-2b4og47 (1)

Is the Pinball Machine more scientific than you thought?

Yes, because volcanoes are scientific.

What  is one thing that surprised you?

that our pinball machine turn out really good.

What is one thing you learned?

I learned how the flippers work.

What were the joys of working in a group?

the fun that we had

What were the struggles of working in a group?

Not doing my ideas

In GENERAL for future group work

doing others ideas

Mention SPECIFIC ways you can grow before Market Day

doing others ideas

Newton’s Law of Motion

Newton’s Laws of Motion

By: Elise Dannenberg

Newtons laws of motion are an object in motion will keep on going until it runs into something or it is inertia. The second law is Force = mass * acceleration. The third one is Action and Reaction. The other thing is bumpers that are made out of nails and rubber bands. The launcher is made out of a rubber band, tube and a wooden piece. The flippers are made out of wooden sticks.

Marbles on a Ramp

Marbles on a Ramp

When the marble went down the ramp it had speed and at the bottom it went fast. The gravity pulls down the marble so it does not float in the air. There is not that much friction so it goes fast down. Acceleration is the big marble goes the same speed as the small marble at the starting when it at the same height. The force is to make the marble go down fast on the ramp. Weight is the bigger marble will weigh more than the smaller marble.

Jesus is the best gift

Jesus is the Best Gift


By:Elise Dannenberg

The best gift of all is Jesus. He died on the cross. A lot of people just like the presents that they get but it is really is about Jesus he died on the cross to forgive my sins that I made. Jesus cares about me so he much that his love will never stop that is why he died. For us and everybody in this world. Jesus loves me so much that he will always cares for me.