Current Events

12 04 2013

I read an article about a man, named Hugo Teso, who invented an app that could control an airplane. At the Hack in the Box security summit in Amsterdam, Hugo Teso said he spent three years developing a series of codes that could hack a airplanes security software and all it needed to run was an Android phone. He calls this app PlaneSploit. Teso showed how it worked on a flight simulator. It has the ability to change the speed, lights in the cabin, what’s on the display screen, altitude, direction, and possibly the destination. Teso claims that “Current security systems don’t have strong enough authentication methods to make sure commands are coming from a legitament source.” He said he developed it in a way that it only works in virtual simulations not on the real thing. Teso said that he has contacted the companies whose systems he’s exploited and they are working on the problems.

I thought that what Hugo Teso made was very interesting; that he could use his skills to help make air-traffic safer. I also think it’s kind of scary that someone can develop an app that could cause a lot of danger to the airplane and the people on it. It’s crazy how technology has come this far. It’s scary, though, that it could be used for controlling the plane and I hope that the air companies work very hard at beating these codes that can be put into apps.



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