Market Day Pitch Response

As I walked in the room a was as so nervous when we got done with our presentation I was even more nervous because now came the questions. I was wanting Mr. VandenBosch  and when we made the decision and we chose…

Mr. VandenBosch he has been working at Zeeland Lumber since 1939 He might give us some plywood for our product that we are making and if you didn’t know we are making ChalkBoards we are the ChalkBoard Queens!


Q & A


  1. How do you think your pitch went? Summarize the parts of pitch in 3 to 5 sentences.

Good, I was very nervous. The Prezi was Bad!(very out of order).


  1. What went well?

The V.C liked our product!


  1.  What did not go well?

Our prezi and our note cards.


  1. Describe the setting where your pitch took place?

In the Big conference room With Mr. Commeret, Mrs. Rooks, the 4 V.C+ Jaiden, Kylie and myself.


5.How did you feel before, during and after the pitch?

Before-  I was very nervous that the V.C would not like our product  and that they would make me cry!

After-  Very HAPPY with what we got!


6.Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? why or why not?

We were NOT perpared for ythe Pitch, It went better than I thought our Note cards were not in order with our prezi.


7.If you could do the Pitch again, what would you do differently?

Had no Note cards.


  1. What questions from the Venture Capitalist Surprised  you?

How many are you going to make?  – Mr.TenHaken


9.What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

  • Be creative!
  • Be a good helper!
  • Loud voices!!!


  1. What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?
  • Mr. VandenBosch- chalk board+wood+$39.00
  • Mr. TenHaken- 3 chalkboards with chalk+  $39.00

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