Paul Blog Post

God used Pauls past in the ways of Pauls ministry. God used Paul to preach his word.  God trained Paul with scripture. Paul also knew the world surrounding him. God can use me to preach his word and spread his kingdom in many ways. He can use me by preaching the word to others. He can use me by praying to other people.

Christian Persecution PBL

Our group spent close to a month learning about persecution and persecution specifically in Syria. In my group were Michael and Trey. We worked pretty good as a group. As a group, our presentation wasn’t above and beyond, but it was pretty good. Yeah, we didn’t build a building or have these giant things, but we put effort into it and we worked well.

our science tower

This is our tower. I don’t think our tower will work very well. Our architect was the most agreeable person in the world (stubborn) so it didn’t go as planned. I think that if we were given another chance, we could build a better one though

Science Chain

What part worked the best

The length is pretty good, it also holds lots of weight

what part is a problem

it might not hold all weight due to length

Why did or didn’t you use materials

we didn’t use rubber bands because it stretched too much

Photo on 10-23-18 at 1.16 PM.jpg

it is a boat

This is our boat that sophia v. and I made. We used styrofoam, a straw, a piece of tinfoil, and a popsicle stick. Our first time, well, we didn’t finish. The boat got stuck, the straw went above the pipe. Our second try was better, the time was 8.84 seconds. I think our boat got a good time.


I think that we will learn a lot from this unit and that we will know things that we didn’t know going into it. I used to think that there were certain things in Africa or things that they don’t have, such as an easy access to water or an abundance of food. Now I think that that’s true, but not entirely. I feel that there are certain areas where food and water are hard to come by, but also so places that they have easy access to such necessities. Everybody assumes that everyone in Africa is poor, but that’s not fully true.

S.S. questions

  1. What were the challenges you faced traveling through Europe on Thursday

1) Tourist

It was hard to go from one country to another, you cant just walk across, you had to individually walk.

The money had to be exchanged every time

2) Worker

You had to sign their passport every time as well


2. Explain one benefit to each country in Europe maintaining so much control of their own situation

Every country had their own things, language, money, and so one.

Bible Post

Symbol of a lamp

God promises his lamp will never go out through the line of David. Jesus came through the line of David, and others. David was one of my favorite characters in the Bible. He is brave, underappreciated, and is a VERY strong Christian. David is a man who adores and worships God’s strongly. Mr. Lowe loves that saying, and personally, I do too. It tells that we are a worship and we love him in a cool way.



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Something is Rotten

the Kingdom of Isreal was divided. Israel northern went through one lousy king after another. They wanted a king, but the had no taste in Kings. God sent Elijah while Ahab was on Mt. Caramel. I think that trusted Ahabs faith. It made him realize that God is amazingly powerful. Do you have or are you worshipping 2 ‘gods’? Money could also be considered a ‘god’. Most people don’t realize that they are.

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A Savior – The Israelites needed a new covenant since the couldn’t keep the original covenant. The new covenant was written NOT on tablets, but on human hearts. It doesn’t mean physically, but it means to memorize the words of the bible. Jeremiah gave them the new covenant based on grace and forgiveness, which is Fulfilled with Jesus

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The King – The people wanted a king to be like other countries, lots of people do that today, they want to fit in to be like other countries. The people of Israel wanted a Malek, a strong powerful king. — God wanted a ragid

the cycle of the judges – all is good-they fall away from God-punishment-cry out-praised judge-delivered Image result for crown


Slavery and Salvation

Joseph was sold into slavery – Moses was born into slavery

God is ‘I am who I am’

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Call – God calls Abraham to follow his lead to another land, Abraham follows of course. Abraham was a very good servant of the lord

in different ways we are still called to follow God’s plan for our lives often is outside our comfort zone

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Covenant – an agreement between 2 parties

Obey = blessing. They do good, they get rewarded, it’s like dog training.

Disobey = punishment. Its like dog training, seriously

Conditional = if you do, I do, both meet requirements for it.

Unconditional = I do no matter what – Gods love for us is unconditional, he loves us no matter what.

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God has many names, for example – El – creator powerful God, Yahweh – Friend, relationship, we have many names for him and in the bible, he had many names given to him. We are his sheep, and he is our shepherd. I think names give us a closer relationship with him. It lets us have specific names, like how we call our grandparents each differently.


The Conflict

God gave Jacob the name Israel after he and God fought and Jacob begged him for a blessing. Isreal means he struggles with GOD. Jacob didn’t get the blessing necessarily, he got a different name that makes me laugh

We don’t know what God is doing, what he will be doing, and what our future is like through him, but we still believe it will be good.

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Saugatuck Center for the Arts

So yesterday, we went to this place called Saugatuck Center for the Arts. we went there and they led us into this smaller theater type thing. We took our seats and started to relax and then some people came out and started talking to us. The dudes name was Mariano Avila, he was the film maker. He was talking about how he made the movie and what is was about, and oh yeah, it was a movie. A lady standing next to him was the star/co-star of this documentary/movie type deal. She was telling us about a place in North Dakota called Standing Rock. She was going on about how there was this thing called DAPL (Dakota Access PipLine) and how it was so important. She explained a little more to us then they started the film. Long story short, (I mean REALLY long story) It was a movie about native americans (Indians) in Standing Rock and their fight for water. There was also different things about the native americans including their history, rules and some other stories.

Dollar a Day

So there was these dudes. They were collage dudes with near 300 dollars. They went to a small place in Guatemala called Pena Blanca. They had a hat with numbers in it. They drew on a day. They had to live on that income.

3 la gente famosa

  1. James Rodriguez: James es un fotbolista de Colombia. James toca de fotbol para Real Madrid. El es 25.
  2. Radamel Falcao: Radamel es un fotbolista de Colombia. Falcao toca fotbol para AS Monaco. El es 30.
  3. Juan Cuadrado: Juan es un fotbolista de Colombia. Juan toca fotbol para Jueventes. El es 28.


Yo paiz es Colombia. Colombia es un futbol fantastica. Yo amigo es desde Colombia, El es mucho bien de futbol. La población es 46,736,728 persosans. Espanol es un oficial edioma. El banadera es un rojo, azul, y amarillo.


Favorite Part of Summer

My favorite part of summer was going to camps.

I went to soccer camp at Hope College with Mitchell Boerman and I did goalkeeper training. I also saw a couple other people from my school such as, Silas VanderMaas, Ava Bartels, and Lily Johnson.

The other camp that I went to is Camp Geneva. I went with Ruslan and I saw Micheal and Pacman (a.k.a. Andrew Pacanowski). We did some awesome activities such as capture the flag, color wars, and Pirates vs. Ninjas.

Boston Massacre

This event took place on March 5, 1770
It was a very bloody and 5 people dead, 6 wounded. I think it is the British solders though if I had to choose.

It started when a group of Americans started mobbing around the King’s custom house where he stored his money. There would be shots volleyed from the British.The Americans or colonists had snowballs and ‘clubs’ or sticks that could have been exaggerated. I still think that it was the Kings fault because if the King didn’t send the solders, there wouldn’t be 5 people dead and the Massacre wouldn’t exist.