Samuel and Me

1. Q. Why does GOD not always answer our prayers in the way we want him to?

A. He might not answer the prayer because  it might be greedy.

2. Q. How should are attitude be like Samuel’s when we enter church our open our Bibles?

A. We should respect it and don’t be angry

3. Q.  How was the Ark used as a good-luck charm? What symbols could be used today?

A. We might use crosses on a necklace. Like baseball players kiss their necklace before they bat.

4.Q. Why is it no longer necessary to make sacrifices like Samuel did?

A. Because we pray.

5.Q How can we be living sacrifices to GOD today?

A. we can go to church and worship him in general.

One thought on “Samuel and Me

  1. Ethan,

    Question #3 – How was the Ark used as a good-luck charm?

    Question #4 – Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, therefore, we do not need to sacrifice animals or grain any more…

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