Elise's Entertaining Blog

Go Tigers

Picture Book Reflection

We just finished writing our picture books.  It might seem really easy but it is actually quite a process. First you have to do some research and brainstorming to see what kids will like. Then you have to make a rough draft and edit it all and make sure that it is ready for the final draft. Then we had to share it with some first graders to see if they liked our books and as it turned out most of them did. Photo on 2-24-14 at 10.03 AM #3

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Tim’s Chapel Talk

Yesterday in chapel Tim came and told us about himself.  When Tim was talking I thought that it was really cool that he sees his disability as an ability to do things for God When we sang the song Til I see you it was really cool because it talks about loving God and Tim still loves God and does everything for God even though he is in a wheelchair. I thought that it was really cool to hear him talk.

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Immigration Day

Today our 7th grade went to the media Center and we got to interview some modern day immigrants about their story coming over and making a life in the US. What I thought was interesting was the different stereotypes that other countries have of us. Some people think that all we eat hamburgers, chicken, and pizza. Some thought that we were fat and had a lot of money. Some also thought that we had good opportunities here in our country. I also thought that it was pretty interesting that some people still continue to cook some of the same foods that they had in the country that they came from. I thought that it was kind of cool that everybody had their own reason why they wanted to immigrate. Some because they wanted opportunity and others freedom or religious rights. I thought that it was really cool talking to some of these people about their journey to the US.


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