April 19

God’s Preparation

I don’t really know how God is preparing me to do work for him, but I think one way is because I REALLY want my family to adopt but it is not on my mom’s heart to do so, but I believe that by making it so I want to adopt that someday, when I am older and probably married, I might end up adopting or at least fostering a child. God has also given me a bunch of abilities, that I believe I can use for his glory. Like my drawing, I don’t draw inappropriate things, or curse God in them. Softball, I can be Jesus in my teams, Little League is probably where I need the most to be like Jesus to my team, for they need help, and getting angry with them because they dropped the ball, I can encourage them that they will get it next time and cheer them on instead of groaning. Another way I think God is preparing me to do work for him is that I REALLY want to travel around the world, go to Britain, Rome, Greece, Australia and the Philippians are just a few places I want to go, and I believe God is building that want up as I grow, so when I am old enough to travel, I will be able to spread God’s word to the places that I go and be Jesus in some people’s lives. Other than what I have put down, I really do not know what God is using to prepare me to do his good deeds, I wish I knew fully and didn’t just take guesses, because to me, taking guesses is almost like guessing God’s work, and I don’t like doing that, but I also believe that God is building me with kindness towards others, like one of my friends is having struggles with her family, and I believe that God is pushing me to be kinder to her than I naturally would, but also still treat her like normal, for no one likes being sympathized for, at least I don’t.

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Posted April 19, 2016 by eleegwater20 in category Uncategorized

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