May 28

African Union Day

African Union day was about solving the conflict in Burundi in a countries own way. Like I was Cameroon with Eli and Jay, and we decided to go along with Nigerias plan, which was send in a 3rd party. Mr. Lowe and Mr. Minkus were the moderators, the people who choose when you stop talking and when your turn is over. They also judge weather or not your idea is going on. The students were the countries who had to come up with ideas to help Burundi.

I learned that it is complicated to make wise decision on what we are to do to solve a problem. So it sort of gets confusing  when you thin you have a good idea but it turns out that many people do not agree with you. What I liked about yesterday was the debate for we got to choose whose idea was better and since Cameroon (my group) didn’t have an idea we were almost like a switch vote, but so were many others. I really liked yesterday even though at the start I was like “What am I supposed to do!” but after a little bit I figured it out. My favorite thing about yesterday was all of the good ideas people had and shared.

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Posted May 28, 2015 by eleegwater20 in category Uncategorized

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