Request Foods

On our last field trip to the request food we got to go on a tour of the entire process and storage units of the foods that they sell. Our tour guides name was Dave and he was really nice we also met a guy name superman they called him that because he was really really short so they call him superman to joke around saying that he’s “so tall and big” but he’s really short.

One job that I saw that looked interesting was the driver of the hilo’s!! It looked pretty fun to drive around on a hilo because there so cool theres a computer attached and they just looked really fun to ride and really cool.

One job that I saw that wouldn’t be so fun was probably the cooking part like when they had to do like an assembly line. 1. because it smelled kind of bad in there, and 2. I don’t think my hands can move as fast as that machine does so I think I would fall pretty behind cause I wouldn’t be able to do it on time!!! :):):)


Some interesting things  saw at Request Foods was probably 1. be the way they can all do there jobs so fast like putting the noodles in the lasagna plate as fast as the machine moved I don’t think I could pull that off!! And 2. the way that they all are so happy and know each other so well and how there all really good friends and some of the ladies and guys there even said “hi” and I just think that there all really nice and just really close and just supper friendly.

Book Blurp

Out To Far!

Elise and her 3 friends Skyler, Samantha, Lucy, all have to go on an escape ship because theres war going on, they are all perfectly fine when all the sudden there ship gets torpedoed and everything blows up!!! The friends all find each other but all they see is the little life boat there on a blown up ship and nothing but sea more and more sea. They finally though find a mysterious island and they run into all different troubles like sharks,food, getting lost and much much more, but they manage to stay friends forever and never give up hope. But will they survive?


Spring Break Book Ideas

Surfing for Spring Break!!!!!  I’m Ella Onstott and here are my story Ideas for surfing on spring break!!!!


Fantasy: Surfing on a Hawaiian Volcano!! I(Ella)was hiking up a volcano with my awesome surf board and all the sudden it erupted!!! And I had to surf all the way down on lava with rocks in my way!! I barely made it out alive but I definitely want to ride lava again!!!:)

Informational: Surfing. It’s all about learning how to surf!!

Mystery: Where did the Missing Surfer go? Ella gets caught up in a storm while surfing and gets lost in the ocean, finally though she finds a Mysterious Island. Will they ever find her?

Adventure: Down to Deep!! Ella was surfing out one day alone when she realizes theres a Shark surrounding her!!!! It hits her board and she falls in!! She gets one last breath and down she gets dragged!! Will she come back up??

Autobiography: Ella’s Story of Surfing. About Ella’s adventures,learning, and struggles of Surfing.

Survival: Out to Far! Ella goes on a ship with her best friends to get out of war area when the ship gets torpedoed. And alls they have to survive is a life boat and a little water. Will they survive?

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