Africa – Social Studies

I learned today that not everyone from Africa, is black, or the same race. And not only in Africa are there different races but all over the world theres people of all colors, and race. I also learned that there are over 400 languages in only Nigeria. And I only speak 1 fluently and thats regular english. But while I was learning these things and many other things, I had a lot of questions. One was when I learned that 90% of africans have access to cell phones. But very few have access to clean water.

Living on One Dollar

I felt really bad when I saw how much poverty is in one place. Like they said in the movie, “a text book can only teach/show you so much.” And just being able to see not only the people who have lived like this for there whole lives go through this, but to see people who grow up the same way we did, have to adapt to that is really different to see.

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