Out of all the acts we have studied in our time looking at the road to Revolution,which do you consider to be the harshest and why?

I think that the quartering act was the harshest.Because the British just said hey our soldiers need a place to stay so they are going to stay with the colonists.And because most all of the colonists had barely enough food to feed one of the colonists.The colonists had to feed the soldiers three meals a day.They had to feed them because if they didn’t they would be punished by the British.And thats why i think that that act was the harshest.

I think that the Declaration of Independence was…

I think that the Declaration of Independence was so important to the colonist because the colonists wanted freedom from the king and parliament because the king and the parliament were taxing them on things that they shouldn’t be taxed on like paper goods,paint,and they had to have a stamp on everything they buy, to tell that it has been taxed.