thank you Mr. Falker

Thank You Mr. Falker
Mr.Falker has made my life a lot better. My name is Trisha, he helped me learn how to read and do math so the other kids do not laugh at me in school. He made me spell stuff on the board. Teachers, like Mr. Falker, try to help you learn at school. They want you to be better at stuff like math and reading. So you should try your best in school.
Some people might make fun of you in school. That might make you sad. It has happened to me a couple of times, but you just have to believe in yourself. School will be hard at times, just try your best in school then you will have fun. It will be hard at times just remember to do your best.
So your teacher is trying to help you learn and make school easy for you. Just like in Thank you Mr.Falker. So you need to try hard in school like Trisha did. At first she tried so hard, but she couldn’t do it. Mr.Falker helped her confidence go up so she felt good about reading and doing good drawings. I know how that feels when a teacher tries to help. My confidence grows. I also know that I am very good at sports. I am on the all-star baseball team.
Trisha put honey on a book her grampa gave her. He put it on when she was little. He said to put it on when she could read. So she did when she got home after school in bed. She put it on in the bed. She could read now. Trisha in now a successful author of children’s books. Teacher can and do help you.

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