Grace's giggles

My projects and stories

April 20, 2018
by glappenga22

God at Work

In Bible we have been learning about Paul and his missionary trips. Some things that helped his ministry were that he had Jewish and Roman citizenship and that he knew lots of languages so he could help a lot of people and understand them. He also had pharisee training, so he knew the Bible and the Torah well. His family had a lot of money so Paul had a good education. All of those things helped him to train for his ministry later on without him even realizing it.

God has been at work in me by preparing me now for what I might do later on without me really knowing it. God has a plan for me. Having an education at Zeeland Christian will definitely help me in the future even if it isn’t missionary work. God might also use my experiences with my younger siblings to help me around other people. Another experience God might use is my past friendships to help me with ones in the future.

March 27, 2018
by glappenga22

Our Volcano Project

For science we built a volcano, ours was Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland. We had a lot of fun making it, we based the volcano around cardboard and a yogurt container. We labeled 7 parts including things like magma chamber, the pipe, and volcanic rocks. We also made a poster about the 3 types of volcanoes, and our volcano. 

March 20, 2018
by glappenga22

Egyptian Christian Persecution

For the past couple weeks, we’ve been learning about Christian persecution. My group, Mya, Emma and I had the country of Egypt and we worked really well together. We had a pyramid with stories on one side and ways to help on the other. We also had a video and a keynote with facts, stories and ways to help. It was very helpful and we learned a lot. I think other people also learned a lot too. 

December 19, 2017
by glappenga22

Math Project

In math class we made a project about the Pythagorean Theorem. Our group, Maggie, Mya and I, did our project on a poster about a woman named Susan who goes running. The idea came to us when we were thinking about Mrs. Roskamp and how she goes running everyday. We even included her dog Toby in the problem! The answer to our problem is 3.6 miles. It makes sense, seeing as the legs were 2, and 3. The problem Susan has is that she has to figure out how much longer she has to run to get the fastest and most direct route back to Toby. It was a really fun project to make.

October 3, 2017
by glappenga22

Theme Writing

Grace Lappenga

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

11 September 2017

1 John 4:10-11

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

What does it mean to be “Lost in Love?” Well, this year at ZCS we will find out. We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world.

I can show this at school. One way I can show love at school is by interacting with the younger kids in a positive way. I have a little sister and she would come home after school beaming because an 8th grader said hello to her. And I know that when I was little, I was the same way. I wanted to be just like the big kids, the 8th graders. And if I can spread that love that I felt to the little kids of this year, maybe they will want to continue it when they are older, too. Another way I can show love at school is by respecting the teachers when they talk. I’ve always struggled with raising my hand in class and talking out of turn, and every year the teachers try to fix it. It never works. This year I am really going to work on it, because every other year I really didn’t care. Another way I can love the school and anyone in it is by respecting the property of the school and all of the materials. I need to handle my computer more carefully, because last year I dropped it once or twice. (Nothing happened, don’t worry 😉

As Christians, we can also show this theme to the world. One way we can do that is being careful with our actions. When people see you, or watch you do something, the goal would be for them to see God’s love come through in you. In a way, this theme is similar to the theme, “Shout Silently,” because our actions can either show love or not. Another way we can show love to the world is by learning as much as we can about the Bible, and it’s story. That way, when the opportunity comes, we can share the story with people who need to hear it. I know that for me, I need to work on reading my Bible more often. The last way we can show our love to the world is by getting to know someone before judging them. I need to work on that, because sometimes I will think something about someone without even realizing it.

We can show our theme, Lost in Love, to others in our school and to people in the world.

This is how I think we can show the theme throughout the year and beyond.

September 22, 2017
by glappenga22

Beginning of Year Reflections

This year I enjoyed listening to other people’s brown bags. I liked that because some of these people I still don’t know very well and it’s nice to know things about them right at the beginning of the school year. It’s also just pretty entertaining.

I learned about Pangea in Science class, and before I didn’t really know about that. It’s a really interesting subject and theory to think about. The continents are moving as you are reading this!

I am looking forward to leading small groups, swimming, spirit week and doing stuff with fun night.

September 6, 2017
by glappenga22

Boat Races in Science

We created a boat in Science class out of the materials given to us, and we named it “rAGE” The first trial went very well, we got in second place with a time of 8.63 seconds. The changes we are going to make include flipping the boat around in the water so the word “rAGE” is facing the fan instead of vice versa. This might not work, but even if it doesn’t, we still have a great time from the first trial. We might not do as well this time around, but we know at least that it will float and finish. 

August 30, 2017
by glappenga22

My Summer

This summer I was in The Jungle Book, the musical. It was a really fun production. I played Kaa the snake, along with 6 other girls so it made the Chinese Dragon effect as we moved in sync across the stage. I also went to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for 2 weeks. My major was choir and my minor was Creative Writing, so I learned a ton. I also played with my little cousins that live in Iowa. I got together with my friends. It was nice to catch up with them. It was very relaxing because I could sleep in. I had a fun summer!

June 7, 2017
by glappenga22

Final Projecto de Estudios Sociales

¿Qué aprendí?

La Selva Amazónica se encuentra en Brasil, Perú, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, y el French Guiana. Tiene muchos animales bellos. Hay mucho biodiversidad de animales y plantas. Es tan grande, que si era un país, sería el noveno más grande! Sabías que hay más de 450 diferentes tribus que viven dentro de las Amazonas? Estiman que casi 50 de ellos nunca han tenido contacto con el mundo afuera. También, más de 20% del oxígeno del mundo viene de los Amazonas. Pero al misma vez es muy triste porque cada SEGUNDO, una cancha de futbol Americano de arboles esta cortada en la Amazonia. Si continuamos con eso, no tendremos la selva por nada en solo 40 años!

¿Quiénes somos?

Diferentes grupos de personas quieren tener control del Amazonas. Las Indígenas Amazónicos quieren continuar sus tradiciones y vida en la selva. Los Caucheros usan los recursos de la selva para ser caucho, pero al mismo tiempo quieren proteger los árboles y el ambiente. Los Madereros cortan árboles para espacio, y por dinero. Los Colonos quieren cultivar la tierra por agricultura. Los Ganaderos quieren espacio para tener su ganado. Los Grupos Ecologistas quieren proteger la biodiversidad, animales, y hábitat de las Amazonas. Yo aprendí que todo el mundo quiere algo diferente así que tenemos que trabajar juntos y dejar nuestras diferencias a un lado.

¿Quién es El?

Yo aprendí sobre Dios en eso, también. Si piensas fuerte en lo, Dios CREÓ las amazonas. ¡El creo el MUNDO! Cada animal individuo el creo, cada humano, perspectivo, personalidad, El creo. ¡Eso es increíble! Yo creo que Dios quiere que preservamos lo más que podemos, porque hay tanto que no hemos descubierto ya. Y como seguidores de Jesús, debemos hacer esto también.

¿Quien soy yo?

Esto me ha impactado a mí mismo. Ahora soy mucho más cauto cuando reciclo y cuando boto cosas, porque esto afecta el medio ambiente. También cuando mi hermana casi pone algo en el basurero que puede ser reciclaje, le digo a poner en el reciclaje. Yo se ahora que es muy importante conservar los recursos. Creo que es más importante conservar los recursos de la Amazónica para el futuro en vez de usar los recursos ahora.

Llamada a la acción:

Yo creo que todos tienen un rol en conservar el medioambiente. Mi rol es que voy a decir a más personas sobre el reciclaje y que importante es. Otras personas necesitan saber que es una decisión de reciclar o no, y esto tiene un impacto directo en el medio ambiente. Hay unas ciudades en que no tienen reciclaje por nada y esto no debe pasar. Pero en otros casos, Seattle tiene basura, reciclaje, y el compostaje. Pero las Amazonas son muy increíbles, y debemos protegerlos.

Nehemiah 9:6

¡Solo tú eres el Señor!

Tú has hecho los cielos,

y los cielos de los cielos

con todas sus estrellas.

Tú le das vida a todo lo creado:

la tierra y el mar

con todo lo que hay en ellos.

¡Por eso te adoran los ejércitos del cielo!

May 30, 2017
by glappenga22

Union Africana- Democracia

Informe de Posición: Uganda

Uganda propone que la Unión Africana apoye haciendo un proceso que hay no más dictadores. La democracia es muy importante. Es una forma de gobierno que deja a todos las personas tener un rol en las decisiones. Todos pueden votar y tener la libertad de decir lo que quieren decir. Todo es igual y todos tienen derechos.

Uganda propone que la Unión Africana apoye haciendo un proceso que no hay más dictadores. Mi país es Uganda, y su posición es 94 de 167. Eso es un poquito menos que medio. Clasificó como un régimen híbrido que es la tercera categoría. Su proceso electoral (como electan líderes) es 5.26. Su funcionamiento de gobierno (como ponen en funcionamiento nuevos leyes) es 3.57, su más bajo. Su participación political (cuantas personas votan en elecciones) es 4.44. Su cultura politización (personas hablando de políticas y todo eso) es 6.88, su más alto. Yo creo que es el más alto porque Yoweri Museveni tomó poder de Tito Okello y Milton Obote, y muchas cosas han pasado. Yoweri Museveni es un presidente razonablemente bueno. Sus libertades civiles (cuántos derechos tienen) es 6.18.

Uganda propone que la Unión Africana apoye haciendo un proceso que hay no más dictadores. Uganda quiere democracia. En los últimos elecciones, sólo medio del país voto. Yo creo que Uganda querría que muchos más personas votarían. También quieren más periódicos y noticias para que será más moderno. También las mujeres en Uganda son discriminados mucho, y ellas quieren los mismos derechos que hombres. En total, yo creo que si quieren democracia, pero el presidente debe todavía tener poder.


En Jueves teníamos la Union Africana. Era muy divertido, yo represente Uganda. El proceso fue como asi:

  • Debate formal: Si tienes un opinion en el tópico (Como podemos avanzar la democracia?) puedes llevantar tu placa de nombre y decir a todos.
  • Caucus: Delegados pueden trabajar juntos para crear una resolución de draft.
  • Debate formal: Lees tu resolución de draft a todos.
  • Caucus: Delegados pueden trabajar
  • Votar: Hay un proceso muy especifico de como votar

Al fin y al cabo, teníamos 2 resoluciones pasados. Uno era de Uganda (yo y Luke) Sudafrica, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, y Somalia. Este resolución era sobre igualdad para TODAS las personas y ser la votación mas accesible. La otra era de Tanzania, Zambia y Nigeria. Este resolución era sobre la igualdad para TODAS personas, y derechos humanos.

Yo aprendi mucho sobre la Union Africana, la United Nations y cosas como asi. Era muy interesante, y tambien divertido ser el representativo para tu pais.


May 4, 2017
by glappenga22


Today we watched the movie Invictus. It was about Nelson Mandela and the beginning of his leadership, and the South African Springbok rugby team and their journey through the rugby world cup. Nelson Mandela was a great leader and used the rugby team to transform the country and bring them together.

At the beginning of the movie, a little boy was in a church and a lady tried to give him a Springbok jersey but he refused it because at that time, Springbok was an all-white team that still represented Apartheid to black people. Later on in the movie, he listened to the world cup game on the radio in a police car with white police men and they treated each other equally which at the beginning of the movie, wouldn’t have happened.

The Secret Service was also a great example of beliefs changing. At the start, it was an all black group of guys. But then some white secret service men came and they didn’t get along well at all. By the end of the movie they learned how to treat each other like brothers and played rugby together.

Nelson Mandela did a lot of great things, and this movie did a great job of showing everybody what a great guy he was. He was a friend, had a sense of humor, and most of all was a great leader.

April 13, 2017
by glappenga22

Africa Reflections

I think some of the facts we learned this morning were quite eye-opening.

  • Nearly half of adults in subsaharan Africa are illiterate. This one struck me as important because, without being able to read and write, how will future generations run their countries someday? Education is so important in this world and we in West Michigan tend to take that for granted.
  • The fact that not all native-Africans are black, like we tend to think. In northern Africa, the most common “look” is middle-Eastern, and our mindset is that Africa is black. Which in some ways is very true, but in others not.
  • The average Christian in the world is from Subsaharan Africa. Northern Africans are mostly muslim, but Subsaharan Africa is heavily Christian. I didn’t really ever think about it that way.

February 22, 2017
by glappenga22

Camp Reflection Day





One of the verses that spoke to me was 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! That verse  I wrote on my “Who am I?” card. For the “Who are we?” card, was Galatians 6:2, Carry each others, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. For “Who is He?” card I wrote all of the things that Christ is to me.

Last Friday we had Camp Reflection Day at Faith CRC, and we talked about some of the goals that we had as a class. Here are some of them:

  • A respectful class
  • a welcoming class
  • an inclusive class
  • a fun-loving class.

I think that there are some classes and teachers that we act respectfully towards, but some that we need to respect more. There is a fine line between fun-loving and crazy, but we don’t really know where the line is. After we get crazy we don’t really know how to draw it back.         On the welcoming and inclusive goals, I think that we are doing great! I have always thought that our class is very friendly. When Luci, Santiago, Ale and Sebas came, we were so welcoming! It is so cool that when new people they are always almost surrounded with friends right away. Personally, I think I should work on being more respectful and less crazy. 😉


December 20, 2016
by glappenga22

Themes of the Old Testament

Theme 1: Names


 Theme 2: Conflict and Doubt


Theme 3: Covenant


Theme 4: Slavery and Salvation


Theme 5: Sinai Law

Image result for first day of school clipart

Theme 6: Salute to a King


Theme 7: Something is Rotten


Theme 8: Salute to a king


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