Paul Blogpost

In this blog post I will talk about two ways that God worked in Paul’s life and to experience is in my life that God could use or is using. One of the ways in which God worked in Paul’s life is that he was a Roman citizen. Since he was a Roman citizen he had special abilities. Another thing that prepared Paul to do the glory for the Lord is God blinding him on the street to Damascus.

A talent God has given to me to further his kingdom is a good listener. A way that I like to us this is when someone has a question about God.another experience that God is given me to further his kingdom is to go on the World Changers mission trip. We were able to drywall a house to help a Community college. Thank you for reading my blog

Grace Papay




Reflecting On The Past Week


What has been challenging?

One of the challenging parts it not seeing friends.

What has been rewarding? 

It has been rewarding to sleep in and doing school whenever I feel like it.

What hobbies have you been able to pour into?

Some hobbies I have been poured in are doing puzzles and riding bikes.

What are the ways you are hoping to grow in this time of uncertainty?

Ways I am hoping to grow during this time is to get closer to my family and see God in nature.


Stoning of Stephen Reflection

1.  What did you do for the Stephen project (ie. newspaper, comic, etc.)?

I did a slide show.

2.  What did you do well on the project?  (or what are you proud of and what you want me to look at when I grade it?)

I think I did well at describing how Stephen was stoned.

3.  How do you think you would feel if you were really observing this event?

4. . How would you feel towards Saul?

I would feel really sad. I feel really bad for Stephen and how he died.

5.  What do you think encouraged these early Christians? In other words, why did the early Christians keep up the faith despite the persecution?

I think the Holy Spirit encouraged them a lot. I think they kept their faith because they knew the truth.

La Cultura

Semana Santa

Semana Santa es un tiempo que tu vas a tu  mama y papa casa. Semana Santa es un festa favorito.

Día de la Independencia

la Día de la Independencia es un celebracionmuy inportan. la celebracion es en la tarda y clabra tu la  manana.


Natalicio de Artigas

Natalicio de Artigas es junio 19. Natalicio de Artigas celabr la Padra de Uruguay. La personas de Uruguay tango globos en la casa por Natalicio de Artigas. Ellas estan decorando Uruguay.



Carnaval and Las Llamadas

Nostros estamos celebrando en febrero. Nosoteros estams bailando y cantndo .



Día de la Candelaria

Día de la Candelaria celeba Jesús. la fiesta es febrero dos 2020.



Beginning Of The Year Refection

One thing I have enjoyed is going to camp and learning how to be a good leader at school. At camp, we learned how to be a good leader and how to understand what people are going trow. One thing I have learned is bible memory. one fo the thing I am excited for is when we go to timberwolf at the end of the year. Also, I am excited about marching the tulip time parade.



This summer I have done a lot this summer. One of the things I did is I went to spring hill camp. I had a great time and saw one of my counselors from last year. Also, I went to an overnight Skills Camp at Calvin. I had a lot of fun a learned a lot. My mom’s birthday was on the 16th of August so we celebrated her birthday. My mom got some bleacher chairs. My mom will use this when she comes and watches me play volleyball. Also, I went on a mission trip to Cleveland OhioIn Ohio, I put up drywall and a drop ceiling.

MountainFilm festival and Saugatuck Dunnes

What did you see and experience?

Thew 7th grade got on a bus and some people rode in cars. Our bus drivers name was Keven Venning. Then we went and each some short films, there was another school there. On the walk, we had 7 minutes of silence and that was not hard for me, but some people that was hard for them. What I saw at the sunnies was a lot of sand and rain. The 7th-grade walked about 2 miles. A lot of people were tired and wet after the trip.

How that impacted me?

The trip impacted me by going out of my comfort zone and walk in the rain and that was a little hard. this also helped me to grow closer as a 7th-grade community. The short films were also important because I leaned that you can pursue more than one interests.


How will I think or act differently Now?

Now knowing what I know I will help people who have to live outside and that is their reality. I will also think about what I am planting because some people planted and invasive species on the dunes and that was not good.


Unit 4 Culture Project

Unit 4 Culture Project

La casa tiene cortinas, jardín, baño, lavado. La casa esta en Uruguay. Las casas son muy bonito. Es la tarde.En el caso tengo, un horno es azul.Las personas que viven están felices. Nosotros estamos veo esta casa.

La casa tiene no cortinas. El esta en uragay. Es la manana. yo estoy muey temor. el casas es cafe. Tú eres voy uruguay.La casa no tiene un jardín. Nosotros estamos tristes.La casa  tiene un cama y patio.

While the World Watched

While the World Watched

The children March 1963,1964


Some of the feelings I had as we watched the film were why are they so cruel and mean. Also, I realized that kids can make a difference in the world even if you are just standing up for something you believe in.  The kids were planing this march and they would know when to do it because the DJs had a special code that if you heard it, it would make no sense. one of the codes party in the park and bring your toothbrush. to a regular person that would make no sense but to the kids it made perfect sense.

Themes of the Old Testament


God gave a name to people based on their personality. Names in the bible have specific reasons to show what their heart was like. Now of days the names you give are not based on specific reasons.  My visual fits with my topic because I have a picture of my family and we all have special names that are unique to us. My name means God’s favor. This is a perfect name for me because I have been blessed with a loving family.

Conflict and Doubt

Sometimes we have doubts about God. If your doubts do not mean you are a bad Christian. God will always be there even when we are not. Even in the Bible people struggled with God. An example of that is the story of eve she had doubts that if she ate from the tree she would die. So she doubts god and ate from the tree anyway. My pitcher is 2 people not talking to each other and in my life that is conflict and doubt.


People intended to hurt people, but  God has a plan for good. God is faithful, changeless and present today and tomorrow. In the Bible, Moses was Born in Slavery but Pharaoh’s daughter found Mose in the Nile river. Also, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers yet helps his family survive in the famine. My pickers show is open jail cell and that shows that you intended to hurt people but god sets you free. This related to my life because jail is slavery and then god sets you free.

Symbol of a Lamp


David was a man after God’s Own Hearteven though he made some bad choices. God promises in a covenant that David’s lamp will never go out. My pictures a lamp and in the Bible, God said to David that David’s lamp will never run out. My picture is a lamp, and it shows that God will never leave me. Just like he promised to David.