my favorite sport


In the spring i like to play soccer.

And it is my favorite sport.

in the and sumer and fall.

last time i did soccer in the fall i win all the games.

with help  from friends.

I thank you should  do soccer.

i like it in the fall and rans

and hals

I like win the presents on

and git a new  balls.










I like the coler red.

i like the shados in the pick.

i like bricks.

I dout like that it is dark.

it is pale.

I wout like a glile in the pick.

I thck it is in the edexk.

I  thick it is in a hose.

it is more kide freley.

I dout like the picksher.

I like the yelow in the picksher .

I fell a litlle scare.

i like the coler yelowe.

I thick it is night.

Put a cruse in it.

One wondow is slantd.