Themes of the Old Testament


God gave a name to people based on their personality. Names in the bible have specific reasons to show what their heart was like. Now of days the names you give are not based on specific reasons.  My visual fits with my topic because I have a picture of my family and we all have special names that are unique to us. My name means God’s favor. This is a perfect name for me because I have been blessed with a loving family.

Conflict and Doubt

Sometimes we have doubts about God. If your doubts do not mean you are a bad Christian. God will always be there even when we are not. Even in the Bible people struggled with God. An example of that is the story of eve she had doubts that if she ate from the tree she would die. So she doubts god and ate from the tree anyway. My pitcher is 2 people not talking to each other and in my life that is conflict and doubt.


People intended to hurt people, but  God has a plan for good. God is faithful, changeless and present today and tomorrow. In the Bible, Moses was Born in Slavery but Pharaoh’s daughter found Mose in the Nile river. Also, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers yet helps his family survive in the famine. My pickers show is open jail cell and that shows that you intended to hurt people but god sets you free. This related to my life because jail is slavery and then god sets you free.

Symbol of a Lamp


David was a man after God’s Own Hearteven though he made some bad choices. God promises in a covenant that David’s lamp will never go out. My pictures a lamp and in the Bible, God said to David that David’s lamp will never run out. My picture is a lamp, and it shows that God will never leave me. Just like he promised to David.