

God calls us to do all different kinds of thing, he calls us to live somewhere, act somehow and he also calls us to do a lot of other things. In the Old Testament God called a lot of people to do certain things. Some of the people that God called where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Some of the calls told these people that if they did a certain thing there would be no more death, mourning, crying, pain, God would take care of them for years to come and that He would be their God and they would be his people. My visual is people doing different kinds of jobs. Sometimes we feel called by God to do different things. In “Salam Neighbor” and “Living on a Dollar a Day” those people felt called to experience what it is like for really poor people and refugees in different countries.


We make promises almost every day. We promise that if they do this will do that, and we also promise that we will do things no matter what. We promise all sorts of thing, most thing that we never do in the end. All through the Old Testament, God is also making promises to his people. God makes 2 types of promises, Conditional promises, and Unconditional promises. A conditional promise is a promise that states that if you do this then I will do that, but an unconditional promise is a promise that says I will do this no matter what. My visual for this is two people making a promise. When we make a promise, most times we try as hard we can to not break that promise, but that is not always possible. Every time God promises something he fulfills that promise.


Doubt is a human thing, we all have or have had doubt in our lives. Doubt is not a bad thing, through doubt, you can grow closer to God in lots of ways. When you have doubt you should bring your questions to God so that He can give you answers and show you what is right. My visual for doubt is a menu, I chose a menu because everything looks so good and you have to choose what you want to eat. When you finally choose you to start questioning yourself whether that is the best choice or if that dish is even going to be good. Just like how to question ourselves about what we should eat we also are always questioning ourselves about our faith. Sometimes I think that preachers, saints or very religious people do not struggle with doubt, but that is not true. Mother Teresa shows us that even the most religious people and those people who work to do good and serve God have lots of doubt in their lives.


God has many different names in the Bible. The names that the people of Israel give God explain his relationship to them. Some of the most common names of God you see in the old testament are Yahweh, which means a loving relational God and El which means the creator God or the powerful God. My visual is a baby because when you are born your parents had to choose a name with a meaning that would fit you. There are so many names that they could choose for you with so many meanings. In the Bible especially in the old testament names have so much meaning and they explain what people do and how they are “related” to God. My favorite name for God in the old testament is Yahweh Tsidkenu which means the Lord our righteous Savior.

Dia de Inmigracion

Nowi- When he was 4 his parents brought him to the u.s to have a better childhood and life. In 2011 his parents were deported back to mexico for being  illegal immigrants, They can come back in 2020. He can still talk to parents and communicate with them but has not seen his parents for 7 years.


John Apotheker- I first talked with my grandpa. He was from the netherlands. He moved to the US when he was in 6th grade. He said that he took a boat from that netherlands to new york. While on the boat ride he experienced tremendous amounts of sea sickness. It was interesting to hear him tell of how there was no body in the dining room. THe waves were so high that when you walked on the deck you were either running down or climbing up. Back and forth. When he arrived he got his picture taken in kalamazoo. He has 7 sisters and 3 brothers. He lives happily in Holland MI now and has many great grandchildren.


Izzy-Sky was ten when she moved to the United states from Taiwan. When she moved to United states she first lived in new York and she moved to Michigan because her brother got married and her parents moved here

Mani- Mani’s story was really sad  & I really wish I could hear more of it. Manis dad was killed when she was 9 right in front of her eyes. They would sleep in a tree and wear the same clothes for 3 years 8 months and 20 days. They were sleeping in a tree when they took her dad torchered him by beating him up and letting him die then they cut his head off. Mani ran to go tell her mom, her mom had gotten hit by a machete in the arm and it stopped working. Her mom told mani go get your sisters. Her sisters were not  allowed to see their mom so mani had to swim somewhere to tell them to come .


Jim Roskam – Jim Roskam moved from the Netherlands when he was 1. He was able to tell us about his experience through stories his parents told him and what he saw when he went to the Netherlands 2 years ago for the first time after he moved to the US when he was 1 year old. Jim’s parents were alive in WWII and since the Netherlands were under the occupation of the Nazis his parents had a lot of memories of life with the Nazis everywhere. When his dad was in Middle school the Nazis came into his school and took the strongest looking boys and brought them to a field. When they got their the Nazis handed them shovels and made them dig. They were digging graves. The Nazis went to a barn and brought out a line of people. The number of people was the same number of graves the boys had dug. The Nazis sent them away to wait and while the boys were waiting the heard gunshots go of. Soon enough the boys were called back to bury the people the Nazis had just killed. Since all the villages around their were small the boys new lots of people and they wanted to see if they knew any of the people the Nazis had just killed. Before they could look at the faces of the dead people the Nazis threatened that if they looked at the faces they also would end up in a freshly dug graves. So the boys filled in the graves and went back to school with horribly thoughts and picture in their heads. This was only one of the stories I heard about him.


La corrida de torros

Corrida de Toros – En favor


La corrida de toros es la cultura y entrenamiento de las personas en España y muchos otros países. Tomar la corrida de toros porque es violenta sería como tomar el fútbol americano porque demasiadas personas se lastimen. Entrenamiento y tradiciones son diferentes en cada país. Todas las personas tienen cosas únicas sobre ellos, mismo con diferentes países y sus culturas. La corrida de toros es algo único de otros países como España que no tenemos. Además de ser parte de la cultura de España la corrida de toros es una gran parte de la economía de España. Solamente en un año España ganó aproximadamente $1,879,439.00 de la economía de las corridas de toros, esto no incluye cuánto ganan los toreros en cada corrida de toros, cual es aproximadamente $100,000.00. En resumen la corrida de toros es el entrenamiento, cultura, tradiciones y economía de otros países. ¿Quién somos nosotros para juzgar las tradiciones de países que ni hemos visitado?


Corrida de Toros – En contra


La corrida de toros es un evento injusto y muy peligroso. Cada año niños y niñas de todos los años tienen pesadillas por días, semanas hasta meses después de ver una corrida de toros. Además de tener pesadillas cuando niños ven la corrida de toros esto puede arruinar su juramento de los que es bueno y malo. Aunque la corrida de toros era algo muy grande y una parte de la cultura muchos años atrás España está moderna y han realizado que por cuantos toros mueren, toreros están muy heridos o mueren y cuantos niños cambian por el malo para ver las corridas de toros están parando de hacer las corridas de toros. Cuando los toros mueren su muerte está extendida haciendo su muerte muy cruel. En resumen la corrida de toros es algo muy malo que debe ser parado.

Desafio de Consumo

Greta Traver


                                                                           DESAFÍO DE CONSUMO


América bota un increíble cantidades de basura cada año. ¡Si todo el mundo bota la cantidad de basura que América bota necesitamos 3 planetas! Además, cada día ciudadanos de América botan suficiente para llenar 63,000 camiones de basura, ¡si amontonamos cada camioneta de basura sólo tomaría 2 años para llegar a la luna! Yo sé que uso mucha más basura que debo, después de la escuela y para merienda yo como muchas cosas que están cubiertas con plástico. Pensando en estas cosas y pensando que yo estoy haciendo parte de esta cantidad terrible de basura decidí tratar de bajar mi uso de plástico de un uso.


Intentar no usar plástico de un uso es mucho más difícil de lo que piensas. Intentar no usar plástico de un uso significa cuando querías una merienda que normalmente no comes lo puedes comer. Eso me pasó, el viernes por la tarde, estaba caminando a Fuzzy Peach con mis amigas cuando me di cuenta que no iba a poder comer el helado porque la cuchara estaba hecho de plástico. Estaba pensando en que podía hacer, decidí que iba a comer el helado con la cuchara de plástico y después reusar la cuchara en mi almuerzo el día siguiente. Solo podía hacer esto porque dije que no iba a usar plástico de un uso. Si hubiera dicho que no iba a usar plástico no hubiera podido comer el helado de Fuzzy Peach. Durante este desafío di-cuenta de cuánto plástico usaba sin pensar en lo que estaba haciendo. Me ayudó a entender cuanto dañaba a la tierra con plástico sin pensar en lo que estaba haciendo.


Este desafío tuvo un gran impacto en cómo hice las cosas. El efecto de mi desafío fue que no podía comer lo que quiero sin pensar en el daño que este plástico iba a hacer a la tierra. Cada vez que quería comer algo tenía que ver si estaba encerrado en plástico. Si la comida no estuvo encerrada con plástico podía comerlo. Si estuvo encerrada en plástico tiene que pensar en una idea de cómo reusar este plástico después de comer la comida adentro. Si no podía encontrar una manera para reusar el plástico no podía comer esta comida y tendría que encontrar algo diferente para comer. Por estas razones y otros la semana fue difícil y no podía comer mucho de lo que me gusta comer. No voy a intentar parar mi uso de plástico pero si voy a tratar de bajar mi uso de plástico de un uso. Si toda la comunidad baja su uso de plástico podríamos ayudar a la tierra y esto tendría un impacto bueno a las generaciones futuras. Cada cambio pequeño que hacemos puede afectar todo el mundo y las generaciones futuras de nuestras planeta. Yo se que si podriamos parar el uso de popotes de plástico la cantidad de basura de plástico y la cantidad de muertes de animales bajaría mucho. Cada día solamente America usa aproximadamente 500 millon popotes. ¡Si conectas los popotes de un fin al otro podría ir 3 y medio veces alrededor del mundo cada día!


En conclusión este desafío fue un desafío difícil en tiempos pero este desafío también me ayudó entender cuánto plástico usamos y cuanto menos plástico podríamos usar si solamente estuviéramos pensando en que pasa cuando usamos todo este plástico. Cada vez que casi use plástico pensé a mi mismo que porqué no use este plástico el mundo va a ser un mejor lugar para las generaciones futuras. Durante este desafio vi que si yo uso menos plástico cada día esto va a a nuestros comunidades por el buen, personas que viven en otros partes del mundo y las generaciones futuras de nuestra planeta. Yo voy a tratar de usar menos plástico y asegurarme que el plástico que uso va a ir a un lugar donde no va a herir a los animales. Yo pienso que la manera que he vivido esta semana sería una manera muy difícil para vivir por muchas semanas consecutivas. Aunque sería casi imposible vivir sin el uso de plástico por mucho tiempo si voy a intentar de bajar mi uso de plástico muchísimo. Cada vez que no uso algo de plastico voy a pensar que el mundo va a ser un mejor lugar porque yo no use este pedazo de plástico. Si todo los Estados Unidos o todo el mundo intentaría a bajar su uso de plástico un poco cada día el mundo sería un lugar mejor.

Field Trip Reflection

Recently we went on a field trip to the Saugatuck center for the arts. Their we watched a documentary, talked to some people that were in the documentary and saw a exhibit all about Native Americans today and their art. One of the things that stood out to me from the documentary was how little we hear about what is going on with the native american people in todays day in age. It stood out to me how much we think Native Americans are a thing of the past and how little we realize that their are Natives all around us and how much we can learn from them. One of the pieces of art that stood out to me looked like to white hills covered in small golden lines. Each hill was toped with the end of a deer tail. That art showed me that the Native Americans are still making art out of nature just like they have in the past. Through the struggles of caucasian people making them leave their land, they have still keep their traditions and the way of live.

Living on 1 dollar a day

I learned that some people live on one dollar a day but it is not like they get 1 dollar every day, some days they get $3 and other day they would not get any money. This is a super hard way to live. You are almost always hungry and you never know when your next meal will be. Some kids can only go to school until the fourth grade, other can only go to school till the 6th grade. Even if your family is lucky enough to let you go to school their in not a collage and in most places not even a high school. Luckily their is a bank that gives out small loans and with those loans people are able to start small businesses and start farms. With the money that they make of the jobs some of them are able to go back to school and get better jobs and others of them are able to repair their houser and supply their families with more food.

Spring fever

If spring fever were a real illness these would be the symptoms and treatment.


  • High fever of 103 degreases
  • Restlessness and not able to get sleep
  • A longing to eat shredded brocoli
  • Feet grow 1 1/2 sizes bigger so you can’t put on your shoes to go outside
  • Wants to turn really really hot
  • Want to be with baby ducks


  • New shoes
  • Going camping on March 21
  • No shredded food
  •  Being able to see baby ducks for precisely 3 minutes and 42 seconds.

If you have a case of spring fever try to do this to cure you spring fever. If it dose not work just go outside.

Words of Hope

Words of Hope is a ministry that tells others about God over radio waves. They tell people in are are but they also tell people all over the world. They jest figured out a way to get the Word of God into Iran. It is very unjust that people around the world are not allowed to read the Bible. It is very risky but Words of Hope is willing to risk it to get the Word of God into places that will not let Bibles into there country. Words of Hope gets the Word of God into countries all over the world. The countries that they are getting the Word of God into by radio are, The Americas, East Africa ( The languages are: Bari, Dinka, Luganda, Lukonzo, Lusasaaba, Luo, and Nuer,) Middle East (The languages are: Arabic, Fa

Huída hacía la libertad – La vida de Harriet Tubman

I have been reading a biography called Huída hacía la libertad – La vida de Harriet Tubman.  the book is about Harriet Tubman’s life as a slave. It tells about how Harriet was born a slave and grew up with a lot of other slave children in a little cabin with a old lady that is a slave caring for all the slave children. Harriet grew up without her parents. When she was 6 she moved out of her little cabin and went to the big house of her masters. There she was put to work as a house made. She was then sold to another rich white cupel. They were curl to her. They made Harriet stay up with the baby at night and during the day they made her clean there house. harriet did not no how to clean the house so she go wiped a lot. Finally there

I am exited to go to HAWAII

This year for Christmas are we got a trip to Hawaii. I am so exited to go. We leave january 22 and come back january 30. We are going to the island of Kawaii. I think we will swim. To get there their are 3 plane rides to go on. GR to Chicago, Chicago to Phenix, Phenix to Kawaii. In total we will be on airplanes for 13 hours.  I think it will be fun.