One dollar a day

I really like the movie a dollar a day because It really made me understand more of what was going on there. I really think that we should help. Living like that just isn’t fair. I didn’t realize it was that bad and that they were that in need of food and money. It blows  my mind that Only one guy had a real paying job that he can rely on a pay check. Others don’t know when there going to get paid next. They can’t decide in between food or paying bills, doctors appointments or school. I can’t even Imagine.

This summer

This summer we went up north to traverse city and we went to our cottage and we tubed, knee boarded and skied behind our boat. This summer I also went to spiring hill with our youth group.

Summer 2016

Summer 2016 will be very very very fun because It’s summer and there is no school, not that I don’t like School It’s fun, sometimes. But during the summer I plan to go swimming and play in our creek  and catch lots of frogs.

Habakkuk’s Prayer

imgresThe sovereign lord is my strength;

he makes my feet like the feet of a deer.


What that means to me is that the lord gives my my strength and he gives my the feet of a deer so we can be stable and not fall over so that means that with God we are stable and we don’t fall down.

spring 2016

  1. Pretend that you can go anywhere in the world for spring break. Where would you go and what would you do there?  I would go to spain because I could speek spanish and I could help people and tell the about God.


free right

by the way this is just a free right and i’m out of stuff to say. Candy is int it great it’s so sos so so so so so good especially the butter fingers there my favorite . and by the way this is not going to be the right spelling for any of those so ya. So friday i’m taking heidi spahr to the play and the play is called cinderella and the candy kingdom it sounds really good and i’m glad to go with heidi to the 8th grade play. And now i really am out of things to type and i know that there’s a lot of typos so don’t worry about those typos and now i’m really bored hasn’t it been five min. I think it has but still we have to type till the teacher says to stop typing so ya that was a slice of my life . now to the real stuff i’m really angry a my brother because hes’s always thinking that he’s so cool when he’s really not at all cool.SO YOU HAVE BEEN ON SLICE OF LIFE AND THAT WAS A SLICE OF MY LIFE.

Free Choice Blog

I love winter  why, Well because you can sled and ice skate and play hockey. Summer is also good because you can swim and play outside a lot you can ride your bike and play with friends.


  • in winter it’s cold and you have to put other clothes on like a coat
  • in summer it’s really really really hot and sometimes you don’t now how to cool down


  • In winter you can sled and ice skate and build snow forts And throw snowballs at the mail man
  • in summer it’s warm and you can swim in a pool and play outside with friends



hq Is a organitation that helps homless youth,Because they believe that 200 hundred people should not be sleeping on the street each night and 2,000 each year. HQ provied shelter for the homless youth so ages 14 to 24. They provied school matiriales, Such as school books, paper, ect. They also provied bags of food and bags of tooth past, socks, tooth brush, note books,ect.

The connections

In my book the connections that I have are that there this girl that is going to florida over her summer vacation and the connection I have I that we went to florida over the summer as well. In the book the main character’s Name is sunny witch is short for summer, And I have a friend who’s name is summer as well.

My Book

The book that I’m reading is called stargirl, and it is about This actress and It’s her first time at school because she’s has ben home schooled. On the first day of school the Girl that’s telling the story, her friend comes up to her and says “have you seen her” and then she says “seen who” But he doesn’t tell her.

My holiday

How would you fill your vacation time if you did not any screens?

I think if I had a vacation without any screens, I would fill m vacation with the snow. I would go and play outside with my Friends. If you don’t like going outside then you could stay inside and do a craft, but If you do like going outside then you can play outside with your friends or just play out there  alone. If your outside along you could  build a snow man or go and build a snow fort. Weather or not you like outside or not, you can still go without screens your whole vacation.

Pacto De Dios

¿Como somos una parte del pacto nueva de Dios con israel y juda

Porque creemos en Dios y que sabemos que el nos ama y nos cuida.

El pacto es entre Dios y los personas. El pacto nos ensena que Dios no ama y tambien nos muestra que Dios te quiere muchisimo y te ama muchisisisisisimo y tambien el te cuida y ama y nos ensena que necesitamos saber sobre el pacto que Hizo el para nosotros.La pasaje jeremias 31:1-17, 31-34 te pueden dicir sobre los pactos que Dios hizo entre el y humano, tambien Romanos 5:12-21 tambien dice sobre el pacto que Dios hizo  entre el y humano.


what are you thankful for about your grandparents?

I’m thankful that all my grandparents are coming and that they can see the new part of the school and that there still with us today and they can make it to school friday for grandparents day. I’m also thankful that they like spending time with me and my family and that the bake cookies and play with us. I like it when the let us swim I  the pool and go to the farm. I’m so thankful that there still with us today and that they love us and like spending time with me and my family. I like doing crafts with you and sewing with you. I love spending time with you and I love my grandparents for many reasons. I’m exited that my grandparent are here today.


what’s your favorite season and why?

I love winter, why you might ask because it’s so much fun to play in the snow and it’s cold and you can ice skate and sled down the big hill at school and you can sign up for winter olimpics .And you can have snow days and stay home and go sledding and play outside. I like winter because it’s so pretty wehen the sun comes thru and shines on the snow and sparkeles on the white snow. And because I can spend time with my family.It’s just so much fun to spend time with your family and play in the snow but my favorite thing about everything in winter is that you can make a snow man.imgres-2

los 4 verdades

yo entiendo que Dios nos dio trabajo para ser y el no queria que el pecado porque causa separacion entre Dios y humano. y Dios tambien nos dice que creo todo y si no le gustas algo es como no gustar a Dios.Y Dios no dijo que estamos engarco del mundo. Pero Dios murrio para nos otro esta nos ensena que Dios todavia nos ama entre todo lo que emos echo mal. Todavia nos ama. Que Dios tan grande el todavia nos ama entre todo lo que emoa echo mal. El no tenia planeado el pecadeo pero todavia nos ama.Podemo cuidar el mundo en recojer basura, apagar los luces y muchisimos mas maneras!


¿porque son cuatro estacioanes del ano?

hay cuatro estaciones del ano porque esto es como Dios lo queria. todos los estaciones so fantasticos porque la orbita ayuda formar.

¿porque hay estaciones?

hay  estaciones porque la tiera esta inclinado se llama la inclinacion. Tambien porque la tierra sigue y sigue rotando y para tener cuatro estaciones toma un ano para tener todo los cuatro y todos son aproximadament la misa cantidad de tiempo. Todos estan al rededor de 3 meses aproximadamente creo.

¿por que se producen las estaciones del ano?

la tierra esta inclinado y hirra alrededor de su orbita y da fueltas alrededor de la tierra y el ecuador separa el hemesferio norte y sur.