June 5

Ethiopia Research Paper


Ethiopia is a very unique place with all of its different agricultural crops and great sports. My government is an Authoritarian Regime. Ethiopia is one of the many regions where early people lived. My country is known for its runners in the Olympics and big competitions. A big economy in Ethiopia is their farming and also their mining of gold. Recently there has been a bad plane crash in Ethiopia.


The head of the government in Ethiopia is the Prime Minister. The term for the Prime Minister is six years long. He can only be elected into term twice.  The Prime Minister also works side by side with the council of ministers. The Prime Minister is the head of this council and he is also is the head of the armed forces. There are nine states in total. The states are divided by settlement patterns, because there is a lot of diversity in Ethiopia. Some states are small and some are very big. Ethiopia also has two chartered cities; Dire Dawa and Addis Ababa (capital). Each state is ruled by a State Council. The State Council can then elect representatives to the house of the federation. It will be for one of the two parliaments. To elect the president of the Judicial Branch the Prime Minister suggests a few names and what he thinks. But overall, the council will make the final decision.


There were lots of early kingdoms in Ethiopia. The first dynasty started around 1000 BCE. This dynasty lasted until the seventh century BCE. The ruler of this dynasty was Menelik I, who, according to legend was the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba. After a time the Da’amat Dynasty rose to power. They built their capital in the city of Yeha, in Northern Ethiopia. The city of Yeha was a great agricultural area. The farmers from that area used ox-drawn plows and they also irrigated their crops. The city was also known for great trade and for the weapons that they made with iron. Soon enough though, the trade route shifted and the Kingdom of Aksum took control. Their kingdom included Northern Ethiopia and what now is Southern Eritrea. This was a kingdom that ruled in the trading category. They would build towering Obelisks, which are tall stone buildings, which were used as grave markers. They carved the Obelisks  with very intricate carvings.


Ethiopians enjoy lots of physical activity. The biggest sport in Ethiopia is soccer. Professional soccer games are one of the most popular attractions. Ethiopia is considered the pioneer of African soccer. Soccer was introduced in the 1920s and 1930s by the Italians. Other than soccer Ethiopia has a national basketball team.Ethiopia joined the International Basketball association in 1949.They have the longest history of basketball in Sub-Saharan Africa. Another quite well enjoyed sport is boxing.Ethiopia is known for its running. The first Ethiopian to take home the gold in the marathon was Abebe Bikila. In 2008 Tirunesh Dibaba became the first woman to win a gold medal in the 5,000 and the 10,000-meter races in the Olympic Games. Her younger sister Genzebe Dibaba now holds the world record in the 1,500 meter race. It has never happened before were sibblings held world records in running at the same time. The Dibaba family is considered the fastest family in running, they also have a cousin who was an olympic runner.


Ethiopia is a big and growing country in the economy. Ethiopia is becoming a very good trading country. Switzerland is one of the top trading partners. They buy the most of Ethiopia’s gold that they mine. A few other big trading partners are China, Saudi Arabia, United States, and Germany. One big problem for Ethiopia is that they import more than they export. The country holds many mineral resources, but some of them have not yet been developed due to the lack of funds. As of now, only 1% of the GDP comes from their natural resources. Gold has been mined in Ethiopia for years. Right now there is one major commercial mine in the southern area. The mine recovers up to 10,000 pounds of mixed gold and silver ore per year. After this, it is typically exported to Switzerland, where it is refined to separate metals. After that, it is bought by Swiss banks. Because of this success in minning there are plans to start a gold mine in other areas of Ethiopia. This would increase exports heavily. Another big minning income is from Tantulum which is mined in the south. It is then used in cell phones and is decently rare. There are major manufacturing centers around some of the big cities. Big manufacturing items include textiles, footwear, leather, cement, and also some processed foods such as coffee. These items make up about 16% of the exports. Some small industry items are also essential in this growing economy. Some parts of Ethiopia make good farmland. Agriculture brings in about 36% of the GDP. The majority of the farming is done on small areas, not much larger than five acres. These plots are usually worked by one or two people. Some commons crops are teff, wheat, corn, chick-peas, barley, oats, and some beans. The larger scale farms grow big cash crops such as coffee, and makeup about ¼ of the countries exports. Most of the money made comes from seeds that produce oils like sesame seeds. Some money is made from a plant named Khat. which is a simulation plant that is illegal in both Canada and the United States. Lots of cattle and annual raising of animals is done here. Big industry is the honey industry which is a symbol of good luck in Ethiopia. Bees symbolize fortune and riches.


Earlier this year a 737 Max aircraft from Ethiopia crashed. It was on a short flight from Addis Ababa to Nairobi, Kenya. It crashed at Tulu Eara in Ethiopia. Also, another 737 Max crashed in Indonesia a few months later. The pilots of the plane could not help it from coming down hard in a nose dive. The pilots along with all the passengers, 157 in total, were dead. The aviation authorities grounded the whole lineup of the 737 Max aircraft after two deadly crashes in just five months. The first of the crashes with the 737 Max happened in Jakarta, Indonesia. This was the first of the deadly 737 Max plane crashes. In this crash, 189 people died. Some aviation profesionals have studied the plane. They have come to the conclusion that what caused the crash was the control system(MCAS). The use of the control system is to keep the plane from stalling. The sensors we not functioning right and so it kept moving the plane down to satisfy the sensors that were off by about 45 degrees. Investigators realized that the pilots did everything they could to stop this nose-dive from happening. They followed all the suggested steps that had been suggested by Boeing to prevent this from happening. Most wonder when the 737 Max will be allowed to be back in the flight business. Some airlines are very frustrated with Boeing for the mix-up, and having to find new planes for the busy summer flight times.


In summary, my government is an Authoritarian Regime. Ethiopia has had many early dynasties and kingdoms. Lots of Ethiopians have been successful in running, especially in the Olympics. Ethiopia has very good farmland for farming and raising animals. Not too long ago a deadly plane crash happened in an uncontrollable nose-dive.



Seavey, Lura Rogers. Ethiopia. Children’s Press, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2019.


“Boeing 737 Max: What Went Wrong?” BBC News, BBC, 5 Apr. 2019, www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-47553174.


Gish, Steven, et al. Ethiopia. Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2007.


Wichter, Zach. “What You Need to Know After Deadly Boeing 737 Max Crashes.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Mar. 2019, www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/business/boeing-737-crashes.html.


“Sport in Ethiopia.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Nov. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Ethiopia.


June 5


Que Aprendiste

Primero tuvimos que teclear un documento grande sobre el índice de la democracia y nuestro país. Mi país era Etiopía. Tuvimos que preparar por casi dos semanas. Fue muy importante que nosotros supiéramos de qué tipo de gobierno tuvimos. Por ejemplo yo tuve a un régimen autoritario.Tuve un país que no quería la democracia, así que yo tuve que encontrar a otros países que querían lo mismo. Mi grupo tuvo que tener paciencia con otros países y sus líderes porque algunos no eran buenos negociadore.Aprendí que no es fácil tener un acuerdo con otros países. Muchas veces todos sólo quieren una resolución que ellos inventaron o crearon. La democracia no es fácil, y no todos quieren democracia. Muchos países ni son amables y solo quieren una cosa y ni piensan o consideran otra opción.


Quienes Somos

Aunque algunos quieren diferentes tipos de democracia y gobierno todavía todos pueden ser amigos. Muchos tienen diferentes opiniones y culturas. Ni debemos tener una barrera porque alguien piensa o hacen cosas diferentes que nosotros. En la democracia hay muchos países que quieren democracia pero hay algunos que no quieren democracia. Todavía pueden ser amigos y tener una relación con ellos. En el mundo no todos van a pensar lo mismo, y no habrá mucha gente que piensa exactamente lo que tú piensas. Por eso tienes que olvidar de lo que piensan y mirar a personas más dentro de lo que piensan o hacen. Podemos conectarnos porque casi todos quieren paz en su país y quieren llegar a un acuerdo y tener paz juntos. También podemos aprender de otras democracias y que son buenas ideas para mejorar nuestra democracia.


Quién es el

Dios me enseño que es importante sobre todo glorificar a Él. También tenemos que asegurarnos de que glorificamos a Dios por todo. Él Quiere paz y Él es paz, así que sobre todo debemos glorificar el por todo lo que hacemos. Tenemos que seguir Jesús por todo esto. Esto significa que seamos amables a todos porque Jesús lo ha hecho por nosotros. Tenemos que no querer todo para nosotros, pero tenemos que pensar en otros y sus opiniones. Dios quiere paz y amabilidad por todos en nuestras relaciones y como vamos por cada día. En conclusión necesitamos pensar en otros y no pensar solo en nosotros. También tenemos que tener en mente la gran idea y como afectara a otros.


Quién soy yo

Me cambia ahora porque ahora entiendo cuán difícil es estar de acuerdo. Entiendo porque muchas veces los políticos no llegan a un acuerdo y pelean mas que todo. Ahora voy a considerar lo que está pasando en el mundo antes de solo llegar a un opinión. Yo creo que la democracia es buena porque todos tienen los mismos derechos en el mundo. Si no tienen democracia los ciudadanos vivirán sin saber lo que está pasando en el mundo porque muchas veces si no es una democracia luego no tienen una prensa libre. Algunas veces he pensado que no realmente importa de como funciona el gobierno pero ahora he visto que el gobierno es muy complejo. No importa si alguien tiene un gobierno que funciona bueno pero es un régimen autoritario sin derechos. Un buen gobierno es uno que da derechos a todos y oportunidades justas.


Llamada a la acción

Cuando yo tengo un dicho en lo que hacen para el gobierno voy a apoyar a los líderes que darán oportunidades a todos. Lo que podemos hacer en la comunidad es apoyar a las personas que van a avanzar la democracia. También lo que puedes hacer es donar a las personas u organizaciones que trabajan en países para mejorar su democracia. Yo puedo responder porque puede considerar todo lo que he aprendido. Ahora yo puedo entender lo que pasa en el gobierno. Me gusta que podíamos aprender con la actividad y ahora pude saber de como es la democracia. Cuando nosotros tenemos que pensar en detalle antes de tomar un lado en algo como esto. Si alguien tiene una idea muy buena que da oportunidades a todos, debemos de darle apoyo para que la persona puede dar más paz al mundo.