
In the past few weeks in our science class we have been learning about weathering. My group and I were assigned to make an example of weathering. We chose to use water erosion. We could make a 3-D model or a 2-D model. We chose to use the latter. I learned a lot about all of the different types of weathering and will have a test on it all soon. IMG_1159

Volcano Project

Photo on 4-16-15 at 12.22 PM #2This is the volcano me and my group worked to make for our science class.

Persecution in Kenya

This past week we made a presentation about the persecution in Kenya. We learned about how people were killed, injured and harassed. We also learned about how people are helping, such as donating money. We had someone come to our presentation who had been to Kenya and been a missionary there and heard gunshots and seen bullet holes in the churches.

The Stoning of Stephen.

Hudson DeBoer

The Story of Stephen

In the times of Stephen the early church was expanding to more and more people. These included the Hellenistic Jews and they started complaining to the Hebraic Jews because their widows were not being given their daily distribution of food. To take care of this problem the disciples told the people to choose seven people filled with the Holy Spirit to take care of this problem. So they chose Stephen among the number. Everyone was pleased with the idea.

Stephen was a great man and he spoke among the people with great ideas and signs. But soon there was opposition from the Freedmen. They tried to argue with Stephen but his wisdom was too great for them. Seeing they would not succeed that way they convinced some men to speak lies against him. The lies said that he was speaking words against Moses and God. They then turned to listen to Stephen for what he had to say.

He recited the whole story of Moses and his ancestors. But at those words the Sanhedrin got mad and saw Stephen full of the Spirit, proclaiming, “Look, I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at eh right hand of God.” They then covered their ears, frustrated by his words and started yelling, and all dragged him out of the city. While this was happening they laid their coats at the feet of a man named Saul. While they were stoning him he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” crying, “Lord, dod not hold this sin against them.”. He then died.

Corte Supremo

Anthony Elonis dijo algunos cosas no tan buenos en facebook y jueces no saben que hacer. Hay un lado que puede decir que quiere porque personas tienen libertad de voz, como dice el primer enmiendo. Pero hay otro que es un amenaza y eso es ilegal. Ya tiene unos meces en carcel. Las cosas que dijo eran amenazas que iba a matar a niños y a su x esposa. Los jueces piensan que es un amenaza aun donde está, en el internet o de voz.  Yo pienso que debe ir al carcel por decir esos cosas porque tiene mucho razon atras de ellos que puede hacer daño.

Noodles and marshmallow project.

Photo on 12-15-14 at 2.09 PMIn this project we had to create a tower that measures 40 cm. But made out of marshmallows and spaghetti. We researched for a few days to find how the tower should look and the basics of how to build one. We also learned how to write a check and the fundamentals of business. We built it and it did not turn out exactly how we wanted, but it stands. Tomorrow we will test it on wether it will hold an egg at 40 cm while someone shakes it around a bit. It should be interesting.


Holy Spirit in my Life

The Holy Spirit can be interpreted many different ways. I think that the Holy spirit is like a guardian angel, so to speak, but instead of interfering physically with the rest of the world he works through me. He can just sit in the corner of the room or lay on the ground next to you. He also is there for every other person on the planet, and I find that amazing. He is also eternal and never goes away. Even if you perhaps want him to.

So if  he wanted to make something happen he could urge me to help that person, show me examples of how through other people. I also think that he helps you with your conscience, lets you know what is right or wrong. I remember one specific time when my family and I were talking about some problem we had and my mom said ” We will just have to trust God”. And right after that I felt a sense of relief and it felt so good to have someone watching my back. The Holy Spirit is an amazing gift from God and I am extremely glad he is there for us.

How to use a math in real life

I learned about squaring and square roots this year. That means that is you square a square area, you can find the length of one of the sides. Or all of them because they are all the same. A way to use this in real life is for example if you are carpeting a perfectly square room. You know the square area of the carpet because the salesman told you, but you have no idea of the length of the sides. You can simply square the area of the carpet to find the length. So if the area was 144 square feet, it would be 12 feet along the walls.


Bowling yesterday was tons of fun. We played two games and the first I got 75 points, the second 101. I had a good time with my group, and hanging out with other ones after ones after were were finished. I used a twelve pound ball. It is a great feeling when you send it straight down the middle and hear the crash of the pins.


Jesus’ Crucifixion.

I think that the last words of Jesus’ crucifixion are very important, especially since he was dying and those were the last words he said. They are all meaningful and have a message beneath their seemingly uninteresting covers. They are good things to live by once you explore them and are really good if you want to know how to treat the rest of the world.

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