Social Studies

Mexico Google maps

Some differences between Zeeland, Michigan and Mexico.
– The houses. Most of the houses in the poor parts of Mexico are quite small and not very well built. Also the architecture looks and is built quite differently. I saw hat this one family was living in a shack and their kitchen was outside. I made me wonder what it would be like if my family had to live like that.

– The roads/streets. When I looking on google just “walking” down the streets is much different. Most of the streets are made of gravel and the houses and stores are much different. They are built differently and they are smaller and there are a lot of bright colors.

–  Litter. I also noticed that there was a lot of litter on most of the roads. People throw all the junk and trash on the roads. I think that this is because in some of the poor places where they are living partly outside there might be some trash that lingers into the road.

Some similarities between Zeeland, Michigan and Mexico.

-Modern. I noticed that even in some of the poorer places there are still many things about it that are pretty modern like the swimming pools and cars etc.

-Restaurants. I noticed that the restaurants there are some of the same ones we have here. Mostly the chain restaurants.

– Spacial Inequality. In Mexico there are a lot of places that have richer areas and poorer areas Detroit also has spacial inequality like we talked about in class.

Two important reasons why the revolutionary war started.

One of the reasons the revolutionary war started was The Boston Tea  Party. The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773 when the Colonists threw British Tea into the Harbor to protest the Tea Act.

My second reason is the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act took place in 1764 when the colonists could receive sugar only from England with out it being taxed. This made the colonists very mad so they smuggled sugar from other countries.

Paul Revere

Paul Revere’s famous ride was so famous because he forgot so much stuff with him and somehow was abel to get it.He was stopped by so many solders and still survived. So many times he was in trouble he ended up getting out of it all.He got caught by 6 solders with pistils and they let him go he got so lucky.

Paul Revere

Should the Colonists have dumped the British tea into the Harbor?

I think that it was a good idea because if the colonists dumped tea in the Harbor because if they didn’t they probably would of lost there business because they were selling the tea so cheep.

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