Hunter's Blog

My school stuff

Volcano Project

in science we had to make a model volcano. we started out by reasserting and making a poster involving the different types of volcanos. witch are composite, cinder cone, and shield. then with that information we had to make a model based off of a real one in the world. me and my group decided to make ours off of Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Mauna loa is a shield volcano and that is over a hot spot. 

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Persecution Project

In bible we had to do a PBL (Project Based Learning) project on persecution. We were all put in groups and were assigned a country to do research on the persecution there and make a project to educate people about it. Me and my group were assigned Tanzania and we found a lot of interesting stuff on it. one thing was that it had a mostly christian population with around 61% being christians and around 35% being muslim and the uther are different religions. But on the island of Zanzibar there is a 90% Muslim religion and that is were the most persecution is. Although there is persecution in Tanzania there isn’t even enough to get it on the world watch list in the last 10 years. One thing we had to do was make a visual aid for our project and many of the stories we found were about people burning down the christians churches so we made a model church out of cardboard and made it look like it was on fire and that we were inside it. I would show a picture but I dont have one.

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