Senate Session

Filed under: History Class,Minkus — hkiekover17 at 2:39 pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What I enjoyed was how we took something we learned about and did it for our selfs and we learned how to do a senate session and applied what we learned and did it. What surprised me was how well everyone would debate. Something that frustrated me was how when I was doing my job when people would ask the most pointless questions ever. What I learned about myself was that I get frustrated easily at dumb questions. What I learned about my class was that we all like to debate and ask a lot of questions. What I learned about my government was how they run things so we got a little taste on how they do things for our country. What I learned about how the world works was that people do this in real life and we got to experience how they do it. How this shapes my future actions is I can keep calm when people are asking dumb questions and answer them as calm as I can. I can engage in my government by when we have our next senate session by asking more questions and debating more. It shapes the was I interact with people because then it gives you more time to hear others thoughts and hear what they think and take what they said and use it for future purposes. My favorite part was when we would get in deep discussion on one topic and go on about that one and keep talking about it and hear what we all think on it. What I would change is have more time to fill out the sheet. But over all I think that it went very well and the next one will go even better.




April 9, 2013 @ 2:52 pm   Reply

i also agree with your statement that it is more fun when you have debates and discussion….well done Hannah Kiekover.



    April 9, 2013 @ 2:54 pm   Reply

    Again not capitalizing your first letter… You need to work on this. And why thank you. Your just a gifted writer.

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