Themes of the Old Testament

Theme 1 – Names

We all have names that mean something. Yahweh (YHWH) means Loving God and El means creator. People in the Bible didn’t want to misuse God’s name so they described his character. God gave and changed names to show a person’s character and what he/she was like. When God picked names for those he chose, he did that because he wanted to show who he created for his characteristics. For the symbol I picked a birth certificate, to show that God made us in his own image and no one is the same as us. Being made in God’s own image is awesome because it is letting you know that you are one of a kind and that there is no one like you in this world.  



Theme 2 – Conflict and Doubt

The meaning of the name “Israel” means to struggle with God. We will have times of doubt and struggle. This fall, I have had moments where I thought God didn’t listen to my prayers. But sometimes, we all have to remember that he got us all here, and he still loves us.  But the good thing about this is that God with get you through it. For the symbol I picked a picture when Jacob wrestled with God. Than God changed his name to Israel because it means “wrestles with God”.



Theme 4 – Call

In the Old Testament, God called Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He wanted them to follow him into a different land. Those 3 men were the patriarchs of their families. I choose a telephone as symbol, because God still calls us today, whether that would be to adopt, be a missionary, or little things like helping and elder. Sometimes are personal doors are closed because we are busy doing something else. But other times are doors and open to respond to God’s call.



Theme 5 – Slavery/Salvation

Joseph was a slave. He was sold into slavery by his brothers because they were jealous of him. He then became 2nd in command and got his family out of a famine. Another person was Moses. He was a slave in Egypt and delivered people from Pharaoh. As a representation of a visual, I picked handcuffs because we are a slave to evil. Because of this, he sent his son Jesus to save us. God is faithful, unchanging, and he is with us every step away.



Theme 6 – Sinai Law

God called Moses to write 10 commandments for the people of Israel. Those were rules to show us and the people of Israel to live in the covenant we promised with God. It covers what we are doing right and what we we shouldn’t. The symbol I picked is a hundred-dollar bill, because money can be one of the things that distracts us from God. They can buy so much stuff, but half of the time we are not happy with what we have. But since God is with us always, we are much happier.



Theme 7 – Sent to Promised Land

The Israelites were wandering for 40 years in the desert. When they needed God the most he provided, but they still didn’t worship him. So they wandered and finally they reached the Jordan River. The priests went in the water first and the water split. The whole nation of Israel walked on dry ground to the Promised Land. Then they proceeded to Jericho and screamed and shouted for 7 days until the wall came down. During all of this, the Israelites had to trust God that he would lead them, not lead themselves.  Than they went to Shechem. For the symbol I picked a blindfold, because we have to trust in God wherever he is leading us.



Theme 8 – Salute to a King

The Israelites had a cycle. It was called the Cycle of Judges because it was as if the Israelites had a religious swing.  It starts with the Israelites sinning, then God calls for other kingdoms to destroy the Israelites. Then the Israelites cry out and God sends them Judges and lastly they Repent. For the symbol I chose a picture of the Water Cycle because it goes through different stages, just like the Israelites did. And they still didn’t learn from their mistakes.



Theme 9 – Something is Rotten

The Israel Kingdom was divided. In the Northern Kingdom, Israel had terrible king and terrible king and terrible king. The kings did everything evil in the eyes of the Lord and didn’t look at him in the hard times. In the Southern Kingdom, Judah had 2 good kings and the rest were bad. They followed God and looked to him in the hard times. When the incident on Mt. Carmel took place, they didn’t change their look on God after the Golden Calf was set on fire. So for the symbol I made choose a scale, because we are always balancing between spending time with God and life’s distractions.
