The cappon house and settlers’ house

I would have liked to live in the cappon house becuse its BIG.                                          i wouldn’t like our dad check us before we could sit at the table.                                        THE SETTLEER’S HOUSE.                                                                                                 I wuold not like to live in the settler’s house becuse it’s to small and in the winter you       have to go to the bathroom out side in a out house.                                                         i wuold like to live in there becuse it has a little room in the up stairs for your self when the rest of the people sleep on one bed.I wuold like to live in the 1800 becuse they have cool toys like a victorian thaumatrope.                                                                                                                                                                                                           the differences bettween both of the houses  is theat the cappon house is way biger and the settler’s house is way smaller.Something interesting that i learnd was that they had a lot of tea cups and they all were fancy.

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