Slide to destruction- Theme eight

8) Slide to Destruction 

In Israel they did not have any decent king. They all put their focus on popularity and they didn’t listen to God’s word. I think that that this happens sometimes today with people that seek popularity. Sometimes people seek attention and not the word of the Lord. They can start to get too caught up into the popularity. Then they start to stop following God’s law and plan for them. I don’t think that people need that much attention or popularity. When you do something bad, that is what people will remember you. So the popularity that you have will not do much for your life. But following God’s law will get you somewhere important 

I chose this picture because we can sometimes seek attention a lot. The Kings OF Israel usually focused mostly on popularity and attention. While they were seeking attention they didn’t have time for God or time to follow God’s law. That behavior of the Kings lead Israel to not having a decent king ever. But that is what God wanted to teach us. I think that God wanted to teach us to learn how to be good leaders. And we can’t be good leaders if we are seeking popularity and not God.

Conflict/ Doubt- Theme seven

7) Conflict / doubt 

We all struggle with God in our lives. I struggle with god when i feel lonely or when something happens to my family, I start to doubt that God is there. Its okay to struggle with God at times because we are not perfect and we all have our doubts about things. It doesn’t make you a bad christian. The israelites struggled a lot with God and God knows that we will struggle and have our doubts. That is why it is okay, but our doubts are smaller and we can always bring our problems to God. There can also be conflict with God and that can be hard. You can cause conflict with a god when you fight against him and get tempted. 

I chose this image because when you doubt God you don’t know what is right or wrong. You might question your faith. And you can question how God did all of the miracles that he performed because they were incredible. It’s okay to question how he resurrected, just like how Thomas doubted God. Thomas did not believe that God resurrected. It can be hard to believe and a lot to take in but you can know that it’s true. God is still performing miracles in everyone’s lives. 


Call- Theme six

6) Call

God can call us to do anything. Sometimes we can hear his call and sometimes it is unclear . A lot of times in the bible people get called and it is very clear to them what God is saying to them. We all have been called to pray for will so that he can heal. A lot of the time the call isn’t something extravagant but something simple. I have been called to be good to others and to be more like God. God called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to different lands but with the same promise. When you get called by God to me it would make me feel loved and safe because then you know that you have a plan for your life.

I chose this image because it is a picture of a phone. It’s like God is calling you on the phone and this image shows that he is calling. It looks simple but that is what his callings are simple. It could be someone calling you on the phone telling you something that came from God. sometimes when you get a call you don’t know who it is. That is the same with The calls from God because they are unexpected. We should watch for the signs that God gives us so that we can know what he wants for us.

Names- Theme five

5) Names 

God gave us all names with a meaning and he gave them to us for a reason. Everyone has a special name with a unique meaning. I think that God chose our names by our personalities and values. He chose them specifically for each one of us. For example, my grandpa’s name is Earl. His name means warrior and I think that he lives up to his name. He will do anything to fight and help us. I think that your name can reveal something about your heart and how you are as a person.

I chose this image because we all have names. They are all unique and this image shows that we can have any name. God chose all of our names for a reason and we should live up to them. I think that this shows us that we should accept our names. Our names show our character and our names can change the way you look at someone. My name means devoted to God and I try to live up to my name. And I will always work on doing that.


Symbol of a lamp- Theme four

4) Symbol of a lamp 

This theme to me is saying that God is our lamp and his light will never go out. And he is the ultimate light of the world. David was a man after God’s heart and even though he made many mistakes he still managed to keep chasing after God’s heart. Just like David we all make a lot of mistakes. Even though we may make mistakes we can still try to act like God. I have made so many mistakes and that’s because I’m not perfect and that’s how God made us to be. We can still have the symbol of a lamp shine through us. And that light is God’s light and we let it shine.

I chose this symbol because it is a lamp and I think that the light is God. Because he shines internally and his light won’t go out. Lamps are made to shine light in the dark. And God is that light to us when we are in the dark. To me this says that if I am in the dark I can still be safe and look for the good In a situation that is dark. Just like how God looks for the good in us. He looks for the light in us so that we can live to be like him and be a lamp that shines for him.


Covenant- Theme Three

3) Covenant 

A covenant is like a promise. God has made a lot of covenants with us and with many other people. God has always and will always keep his covenants. To me this means that when you make a covenant with God he will keep it. When God promised that he would never destroy the world again. He kept that covenant. Even though there is global warming and other bad things. He is keeping us safe and he won’t do that to us again. To me this means that God is and always will keep us safe. He would never try to hurt us and he does everything for a reason. 

I chose this image because it shows two people promising something by doing a pinky promise. When you do a pinky promise you are marking a covenant and keeping it. And that is what God does every time you make a covenant with him. To me this shows how much God cares about us and what he will do for us. When I do a pinky promise I am expecting that person to keep my secret or whatever I said to them. And that is what God does. He is like a friend that you can trust with your life and he will always keep your life in his hands.

Slavery/ Salvation- Theme Two


2) Slavery / Salvation

This topic/theme about slavery to salvation means to me that if you are in a low and dark place, you can always get back up. If I am in a hard time in my life I can start to build myself up and make the situation better and not just worry about it. Like Moses he was born into slavery but he steps up and leads Israel out of Egypt. Moses went to a slave and at the lowest point in his life when he got called to lead everyone. If I get into a dark place in my life and i get behind and just give up then I can just pray and ask God what I will do next. I could lead something or someone and get back on my feet. Martin Luther King Jr. was born into a dark and bad time in history. But he stood up against everyone and talked about how we are all the same and we have rights. So he went from low to high. From slavery to salvation.

I chose this image because it tells me that I can break free from something that is holding me back. So many people broke free from slavery and went to salvation. So if I fall down God can encourage me to lead and get back up on my feet. I think that if you just pray and just wait you can break free from anything. You just have to have patience and know that you have enough left to keep going and lead people to salvation. Like Joseph, he was sold into slavery but he managed to help his family survive the famine. God will lead us to whatever he has planned for us to do and maybe it is to go from slavery to salvation but we can break free if we have God in our side.

Sinai law- Theme one

1)The Sinai law

God made us a commandment to protect us, not to smother us. God always wants to protects us by giving us laws and things to keep us safe when we make a mistake. When we get hurt he will protect us with either life jackets or knee pads. He will always protect us in every area of our lives. When I fall and get hurt or fall into temptation God will be there to help me and protect me no matter what. To me this theme means that God will catch me when I fall and the laws we have are to protect us. They weren’t made to make us feel like we are forced to follow them because God knows that we aren’t perfect. We can’t always follow the law of God or the plan he had for us because we learn from our mistakes and he forgives us always.

I chose this visual because I think of it as we are the paper people and Gods hands are over us. Gods hands are covering and keeping us safe from anything. It’s like having a personal bodyguard.We are all in Gods hands and he won’t let go. He forgives us when we don’t follow the law or when we are tempted. We don’t have to worry about anything because we know that God will protect and keep us safe during the hard times.




JP Sundararajan

Yo aprendí sobre el proceso de conseguir un visa de los Estados Unidos pero cuando él compartió el proceso que él tenía que hacer me hizo pensar más sobre cómo es emigrar a un otro país. Yo aprendí que personas de otros países algunas veces no tienen toda la tecnología que tenemos aquí y esto me interesó. Nunca realmente he pensado en cómo el proceso de la inmigración puede tomar mucho tiempo para que puedes conseguir una visa y de ser una ciudadano.


Salam neighbor

Algo que me impacto de la película fue que todas las personas allí perdieron todo lo que tenían. Ellos tenía que huir de sus casas para qué podía escapar la guerra y dejaron todo lo que tenia atras. Muchas de las personas tenían familiares que murieron por la guerra y la violencia que estaba pasando. El campamento tenía muchas cosas que hacer como ir a la escuela o solo actividades. En un parte de película un niño llamado Raouf no quería ir a la escuela pero Zach i Chris no sabian porque. Entonces el fue a la escuela porque ellos quería que él va a la escuela. Pero no sabía que la escuela de Raouf explotó y esto era porque él no quería ir a la escuela porque es algo que no puedes olvidar porque es tan malo. Entonces Zach y Chris o sabia esto entonces ellos sitiero muy malo por él. También Aprendí que ellos tenían mucho trauma también los niños tienen que vivir con él impacto del trauma que sufrieron de la guerra.


La guerra civil de siria

La guerra civil en siria comenzó en 2011. Desde entonces 450,000 personas han muerto y más de 1,000,000 personas han resultado heridos. Más de la mitad de la población de siria han necesitado ir a otro lugar para vivir. El marzo había una protesta después de 15 niños fueron torturados por haber escrito grafitis en honor de la primera árabe. Uno de los niños tenía solo 13 años de edad y lo mataron por torturar brutalmente. Entre 2007 y 2010 había una intensa sequía  azotó a la nación siria. Yo pienso que esto es muy malo.