
This week has been really boring. I went on a couple walks outside with my family. I haven’t gone anywhere with other people the whole week. I face timed my friends while doing school work. each day I  found a time to go outside with my sisters and played tennis or went on our trampoline. I usually don’t really like school but now that we aren’t going to school and cant go anywhere I started to realize how much i miss school. I also cleaned and organized my room.

Some of the highlights were getting to face time my friends. I also liked that i could stay all day with my dog. I also liked that during the live sessions i got to talk without getting in trouble. Some challenges were that i have to stay home all day with only my sisters ,surprisingly we haven’t fought yet. I struggled with not having anything to do and I tried not to die of boredom. I liked how i could watch the office while i did school work and talked with friends.

I would like people to know that this week I watched a lot of Disney movies. I got to spend more time with my sisters. Me and my family started watching videos on the bible every night. This week i learned how to do a couple tik tok dances. I am starting to miss going to school and i hope this break does not extend so that i can see my friends soon.

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