April 30 reflection

The story that can bring hope to us is the story of the burning bush. I think that it brings us hope because it shows that God can show up anywhere in any way. In this case God showed up in the form of a burning bush and told Moses to bring the Israelite’s to Egypt. It can give us hope to know that God will be with us trough anything. Go told Moses that he would be with him while he was on his way to Egypt. I think this story is telling us that we should pay attention to Gods signs and actions even though they may not be as obvious as a burning bush. The truth in this story is that God is always with us and he can show up in any way.


  1. What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “The Psalms teach us to sing praise to God.” Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? What praise do you sing to God right now? 

I thought about back when we got to actually be in church and sing and praise to God all together. A phrase that stood out to me was Psalm 2 where it says “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.” That verse stood out to me because it reminded me of church and being able to sing with people. The verse it telling all of us to lift our hands and praise him because we are servants of God and we should praise him because we are servants of God. The praise i am singing now is that my friends are healthy and that my family can stay home and heal from all the bad news we have received.


2. Tell a story about a time that was difficult this week. What happened? Were there things that comforted you at all? 

Something that was really difficult for me and my family this week was having to deal with my grandpas death and having to start the week with bad news. There were a lot of people who have checked up on me and have cheered me up a lot. My friends have always been good at making me laugh and I was happy that i could have them to make me laugh this week. It has been kinda difficult to do work because i have so many distractions along with just the thoughts in my head which keep me from being able to focus sometimes . And school took my mind off of everything that has been happening for a little bit during the day. 


3. Tell a story about something this week that you were proud of. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen? Use at least 5 complete sentences.

I haven’t done much this week that i’m proud of because i don’t really know what to do. I guess i’m kinda proud of myself for actually doing my work even through everything that happened and it was mostly myself that made it happen. I was also proud of myself for making cookies which turned out perfect. I made them myself but my sister helped me roll them up into balls and put them in the oven. I am also proud of myself for doing devotions more often because I have so much time to do anything.


1. Read one of the Psalms that we looked at this week. Psalm 34, 46 or 61. What verse(s) stood out to you? Why?

There were a couple verses that too out to me when i read them. One of them was Psalm 61:3 where it says ” For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.” This verse stood out because it is saying that God is our refuge against all the bad things like the corona virus. Another verse that stood our to me was Psalm 46:1 ” God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This one stood out to me because its is saying that God is our help in trouble and he will always be there to be our refuge.


  1. Describe a time or times when you were kind since we shifted to online learning. Describe a time when someone has been kind to you since we shifted to online learning.

A time where I was kind was when i helped my sister with her school work. I also have helped clean my house and cook. My dad has been kind to me because he helps me with my work sometimes. My older sister has also been kinda helpful  with my work when my dad is working. My mom has helped me focus more and gotten my sisters to be quiet so that i can do my work.


  1. Describe the activities that you are doing to help pass the time once your homework is finished. Possible examples-bike riding, painting, board games, puzzles, texting friends…

I have been mostly texting my friends and watching Netflix to pass time. I try to make time to play tennis every day so that I don’t get worse over time.  I have done some crafts and I have cleaned and organized everything in my room. Even though there’s a lot that i can do and have done it is still really boring being at home. Another thing i have been doing a lot more now is baking and cooking and hanging out with my dog. We have also gone on a lot of walks to pass time and to get out of the house.



Distance learning

1. How have you experienced God lately? How are you praying to see God’s presence in the world?
I have seen God working through all the doctors everywhere because it is really hard to have to take care of so many people because of the corona virus. I have also experienced him through devotions that i do with my mom and my sisters at night. I am praying to see Gods presence in hospitals and in the people that have been affected by corona or the people who have lost someone to corona. I am praying that the number of cases everywhere will go down eventually and for safety for everyone. I am also praying that i will be able to see my friends soon.
2. Describe a time when you were playing outside since the “Stay at Home” went into effect. What did you do? What was the weather like? How did the outside time make you feel?
One time we went on a walk on a weird trail that was really muddy. The weather was really nice, it was warm but still kinda cool. We went on some bridges and i cut my finger on a stick but it was fine. The time outside made me feel a little more free because we cant go anywhere right now. It made me realize why they make us go outside for break because it is terrible being inside all day.
3. Describe one highlight and one “low-light” since your last blog post.
One of the highlights since my last blog was that I got to face time my grandparents and see my little cousins through face time because we haven’t seen them. A low light was that i cant see any of my friends or have any fun anymore because we have to stay inside all day everyday. I miss going shopping because i used to go shopping like every other day but now I cant go anywhere. I like that i can be with my dog all day but I don’t love to stay with my sisters all the time.