Distance learning

1. How have you experienced God lately? How are you praying to see God’s presence in the world?
I have seen God working through all the doctors everywhere because it is really hard to have to take care of so many people because of the corona virus. I have also experienced him through devotions that i do with my mom and my sisters at night. I am praying to see Gods presence in hospitals and in the people that have been affected by corona or the people who have lost someone to corona. I am praying that the number of cases everywhere will go down eventually and for safety for everyone. I am also praying that i will be able to see my friends soon.
2. Describe a time when you were playing outside since the “Stay at Home” went into effect. What did you do? What was the weather like? How did the outside time make you feel?
One time we went on a walk on a weird trail that was really muddy. The weather was really nice, it was warm but still kinda cool. We went on some bridges and i cut my finger on a stick but it was fine. The time outside made me feel a little more free because we cant go anywhere right now. It made me realize why they make us go outside for break because it is terrible being inside all day.
3. Describe one highlight and one “low-light” since your last blog post.
One of the highlights since my last blog was that I got to face time my grandparents and see my little cousins through face time because we haven’t seen them. A low light was that i cant see any of my friends or have any fun anymore because we have to stay inside all day everyday. I miss going shopping because i used to go shopping like every other day but now I cant go anywhere. I like that i can be with my dog all day but I don’t love to stay with my sisters all the time.

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