
  1. What did you learn or think about the most this week from our theme “The Psalms teach us to sing praise to God.” Was there a phrase from a Psalm that stood out? What praise do you sing to God right now? 

I thought about back when we got to actually be in church and sing and praise to God all together. A phrase that stood out to me was Psalm 2 where it says “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.” That verse stood out to me because it reminded me of church and being able to sing with people. The verse it telling all of us to lift our hands and praise him because we are servants of God and we should praise him because we are servants of God. The praise i am singing now is that my friends are healthy and that my family can stay home and heal from all the bad news we have received.


2. Tell a story about a time that was difficult this week. What happened? Were there things that comforted you at all? 

Something that was really difficult for me and my family this week was having to deal with my grandpas death and having to start the week with bad news. There were a lot of people who have checked up on me and have cheered me up a lot. My friends have always been good at making me laugh and I was happy that i could have them to make me laugh this week. It has been kinda difficult to do work because i have so many distractions along with just the thoughts in my head which keep me from being able to focus sometimes . And school took my mind off of everything that has been happening for a little bit during the day. 


3. Tell a story about something this week that you were proud of. What happened? Who was a part of making it happen? Use at least 5 complete sentences.

I haven’t done much this week that i’m proud of because i don’t really know what to do. I guess i’m kinda proud of myself for actually doing my work even through everything that happened and it was mostly myself that made it happen. I was also proud of myself for making cookies which turned out perfect. I made them myself but my sister helped me roll them up into balls and put them in the oven. I am also proud of myself for doing devotions more often because I have so much time to do anything.

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