Persecution Project

My group studied Colombia. There were many things that surprised me about the persecution there and the stories that we read. One of the things i found interesting was that around 90% of the population of Colombia is Christian and those are who are being persecuted the most. Colombia has freedom of religion but there is a lot of violence going on towards Christians. Most of the persecution s directed towards people in remote areas which is where there is a lot of gang violence and crimes. another fact is that Christian church leaders get persecuted and can be murdered or put in jail for teaching the gospel. Something else is that Colombia is ranked 30 on the world watch list for persecution. This means they have pretty high persecution and it is not getting any better. The type of persecution is organized crime and corruption which kinda means that the most common crimes there are human trafficking and drug trafficking. I liked how our presentation turned out but one of the things i was most proud of was the video just because i feel like we had good information and got to tell more about Colombia.

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