Call- Theme six

6) Call

God can call us to do anything. Sometimes we can hear his call and sometimes it is unclear . A lot of times in the bible people get called and it is very clear to them what God is saying to them. We all have been called to pray for will so that he can heal. A lot of the time the call isn’t something extravagant but something simple. I have been called to be good to others and to be more like God. God called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to different lands but with the same promise. When you get called by God to me it would make me feel loved and safe because thenĀ you know that you have a plan for your life.

I chose this image because it is a picture of a phone. It’s like God is calling you on the phone and this image shows that he is calling. It looks simple but that is what his callings are simple. It could be someone calling you on the phone telling you something that came from God. sometimes when you get a call you don’t know who it is. That is the same with The calls from God because they are unexpected. We should watch for the signs that God gives us so that we can know what he wants for us.

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