Pitch Reflection

(Q) How do you think your pitch went?


(A) I think it went very well for me and my whole group. (I actually know i for a fact.)


(Q) What went well?


(A) The whole darn thing.


(Q) What didn’t go so well?


(A) 2 People went out really quickly.


(Q) describe the setting where your pitch went.


(A) I  the zcs conference room.


(Q) How did you feel before, and after the pitch?


(A) I felt scared the whole time I was there and when i wasn’t there.


(Q) Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared?


(A) No because we really didn’t practice that much.


(Q) If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?


(A) Not stand like a statue.


(Q) What questions from the VC surprised you?


(A) How much does one marshmallow shooter cost?


(Q) What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?


(A) Do not be afraid of nervus.


(Q) What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the VC’s?


(A) He would do it if he got one in camo and one in pink for his kids.


(Q) Now, watch the video of your pitch. Any new insights?


(A) No not really


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