Archive | November 2014

Math 3-5 Square Roots

When you go to a  grocery store, you can use square roots. If you only have 90 dollars and you go to the store you need to know how may things you can get. You are walking through the rows and your kids are begging for this and that but you need 9 boxes of cake mix for 9 dollars it equals 81 dollars then you add tax 85.46. On a calculator you do 2nd x squared then 85.46 and you get the price for one box and you see if any are cheaper then that. If not you know you have a little money left over and can get your kids something.


We went bowling yesterday and had a lot of fun. I liked how everyone had a good time playing together and always had a positive attitude about everything. We should do it more often so we can all get to know each other better. I like how we all came together just a little bit more just from that little thing.

Jesus’s Crucifixion

I think its really cool how the last seven words of Jesus mean the things we have been talking about in Bible this year. We can take the words that jesus said and match them to the poster and we can do the same thing Jesus did for us. We can Trust the sovereign God, Have compassion on people, Preserver to the completion of the goal set before us, Desire that forgiveness be granted, Offer hope to the hopeless, Empathize with humanity, exercise obedience to the will of the Father. Those are the things that Jesus meant in His last seven words.

Math word problem

A square backyard for a family has an area of 676 square feet. How long is one side of the yard.

You take the area of the yard and Figure out what times itself equals it. It might take you a try or two. This one is 26*26= 676 so one of the sides would be 26 ft.