Senate Session


Something that I enjoyed was that we had at least some people with different opinions. I liked it when someone had said there opinion and then someone else would totally dis agree with what the other person has said. It didn’t happen very often at all but it was still fun.Something that frustrated me just a little was when people would ask a question about what you were planning that had either nothing to do with it or it was something that didn’t madder. I like the senate sessions, but when someone would do that it wasted time.

Somethings that I learned about our class was I figured out who was a more out going then others. The More out going people where always saying there opinions which was great, but there was some more quiet people that didn’t speak up when the had an idea or something to say. I also learned that our government does it almost the exact same way or we do it the same way they do. it wasn’t exact because we had no experience in this kind of a thing but it was fairly close. Our vice president did a very great job. it wasn’t the most impressive but it was close enough for us.

This gave me some experience in this subject for the future. I learned how this all works and how it goes when presenting a bill. In the future for an election or re election, i want to know what the president or whatever we are voting on, i want to know what they stand for and what they want and plan to do. I do want to vote, because i like to us my opinion for this stuff and i will vote in the future for these types of things.


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