Salt and Light

So were asked to do a blog post on salt and light I know how that sounds Salt and light whaa yeah at first I said that same thing I’m all like whaa then I got it we are as Christians supposed to be salt and light so I’m going to do one and if I have time do the other as well so I’ll do salt first so salt is a way to preserve foods so I looked up the definition on preserve and I got this (this is a site to get there

maintain (something) in its original or existing state. this is the definition of preserve so thats how I got what I got so if we want to be like salt we need to maintain something so were on the right track right now I’m racing Malachi/SwagMan123 to  finish and get the most words so if this seems long thats way anyways back to the point if we preserve gods faith then we can be like salt because if you think about it jesus died a long long long long long long long time ago like a long long time ago and here we are right now still believing in him and we can be like (hold on I just want to say that I just beat him yay) anyways light by sining in someones darkness by being kind and being joyful so got to go AllSwag out c ya

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