Joyful Jaclyn

My thoughts

Archive for April, 2014

Whats in a name?


April 28 2014 If you could change your name what would it be and why? I like my name because not many people have my name. Also many people spell my name in weird ways like Jacklynne or Jaqueline or Jacklynn I have only have meet a couple people with my name. There’s girl at […]

What does Easter mean to me


April 21 Christ is risen he is risen indeed. That is how we stated our church service on easter morning. Easter means to me that Jesus died and rose again so that I can live with him forever when I die. For some people easter is the easter bunny and getting candy and easter egg […]

Spring Break Reflections “The good the bad and the ugly”


April 14 2014 Over spring break I did a lot of cleaning and organizing and playing out side. Outside we played back in our fort and we ran and biked. We also put all of our bedding and curtains outside. we also spring cleaned our bedroom and watched Rio 2 witch was very cool. A […]

My 5 W Story


My plans and dreams for spring break (:


I am going t0 go up to Central Michigan University for a D.I. competition I have to leave at 6:00 am and I will not leave until 8:00 pm.  I t will be a very long day because we will be done with all are tasks by lunch hour!! Also we will do some cleaning […]

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