Joyful Jaclyn

My thoughts

Published Essay


God is in Control even when bad things happen . I know that because online I read a quote from a unknown person, Sorrow looks back worry looks around, but faith looks up

God is in Control even when bad things happen because, God will not answer our prayers the way you think. I can say that because, God didn’t heal my Grandma V.E… the way I thought. If my grandma didn’t of died I would of never met Grandma fay my step Grandma who has taught me so much.

God is in control even when bad things happen because. God can say one word and something HUGE could happen. God has Control over everything like the sea and the weather.

God is in control even when bad things happen because. God will not answer your prayers the way you want God to. We as people need to keep on praying we need to have faith in God we need to trust him. God answer For our prayers could be yes no or maybe latter. It can seam like God is not listening, but he is. I know it seams not even possible, but it is possible. I know this because before I was born my Mom got really sick. For four months witch included my Moms Birthday and Christmas. she did get better in time.

God is in control even when bad things happen because. God will remind us like God makes the thunder roar and the lightning flash he also puts people in our lifts. God also makes Bad things happen so we will grow in faith.

So, if any of these things happen to you like a loved one just died or something bad happened you need to remember that God is in control even when bad things happen

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