Themes of the Old Testament.

Something is  Rotten.


Israel has one bad king after another. Then God would send a prophet to help the people. One example of that was when Elijah was at Mt Carmel and showed that God was better than Baal. Elijah asked, “How long will you waver between two gods? Choose today who you will serve.” I learned that it can also be implied today how long will he chose to play on a videogame or play sports and not serve God.  I picked an Xbox as my image because sometimes I will play on that instead of doing devotions. 














A covenant is a deal or a promise; an agreement between two groups of people. One example is the Cultural Mandate, which is God says, “I will give you the earth if you take care of it.”  If you obey then you are blessed. If you disobey there will be consequences.  A conditional covenant is: if you do this, I will do that. An unconditional covenant is God will keep his promise forever. My picture is people shaking hands because it shows a deal has been made. I learned that there was going to be a consequence if they did not follow God.




God has many names. Elohim means “creator God”. Yahweh means a relationship with you God and many many more. God gave and changed names based on their meaning. Names were important because it showed a person’s character and what their heart was like. One example of when God changed a name was when he changed Abram to Abraham. The picture I chose was earth because one of God’s names means creator God. I learned that God has a lot of names.

Sinai Law

The Sinai Law is the ten commandments. God said to obey his commandments and I will give you protection. The ten commandments cover every part of life. There are gods today that could make you disobey the ten commandments. Some of them are electronics, friends, and popularity. I chose electronic because it is one of the gods there are today. I learned of a lot of the gods there are today.


Salute to a king.

Before there were kings, there was a cycle of judges. Tthe cycle went go well, sin, God sends enemies, they cry out to God, God sends a judge. Everyone did as they saw fit. They wanted a king to be like the other nations. God warned them that the kings will take stuff from them. My picture is a person doing a lousy job at a job because if everyone did as they saw fit they would not do it very well. I learned that for a while the Israelites would get in trouble.





Sent to the promised land

Create Mazes in InDesign With a Script | CreativePro Network

There were multiple important things that happened when the Israelites were going to the promised land. God gave them manna and quail. They made a bronze snake to look ats if they were bitten by a snake. Moses got sent to the promised land. Tthey crossed the jorden.  They marched around Jarico. Joshua made a promise. I chose a maze to show that the Israelites did not know where they were going. I learned that they made a bronze snake to save them if they got bitten.



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Joseph was sold into slavery, but because of that, he could help his brothers. Moses was also born into slavery but he was still able to lead his people out of Egypt. People intended to harm them, but God changed that to good. God told Moses that his name is “I Am Who I Am”. He is faithful, unchanging, and present to this day. My picture is a clock because it is unchanging like God. I learned that God can change anything for good.


A Savior


Discipleship Ministries | Holy Communion and Concerns about Infection

The people would not keep the Sinai covenant. So God offered a new covenant the Davidic. which God said would be written on their hearts. The Davidic covenant would also not need a service. I learned that the Sinai Covenant is much different than the Davidic covenant. Jeremiah gave them a new covenant that was based on God’s grace and forgiveness. I chose communion because it represents the blood and body of Christ.