BOTR #3 Crest

Dear parents and blog readers,
Here in fourth grade we are learning
about the differences from harmony
to disharmony. The crest below gives some
good examples of sins I struggle with.

This crest also says a few things
about me, one, I am a sinner saved by God’s grace.
Two, I am far from perfect.
And three, the only perfect thing in all of the universe is God,
who is my savior
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Dear God letter

Dear God,

Thank you for making my parents,

thank you for putting them toghther otherwise I would

not be writing this post.

Thank you most of all for creating them to love me and my brother.



by James Oosterhouse

Shout Silently

This year our school’s theme is “shout silently”.

Its all about spreading Gods word with our actions.  I hope to do this and I hope you do too.

by James Oosterhouse