Entrada de blog #2

En España, niños y niñas corer y peacer mucho. Y practicar mucho fútbol y  deportes de aqua. Niños y niñas está en el campo en verano.

Personas en españa come muchos tapas. tortilla españala y paella es muy popular.





Market Day Reflection

Market Day Reflection

By James Oosterhouse


What was ONE thing you learned  from COLLABORATION at Market Day?

The one thing would most definitely be… Everyone had to agree on everything. For Example: if 2 people say yes and one

person said no, we would have to do something else.


What was ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day?

The one thing is definitely all the decisions.  Decisions ,decisions ,decisions! There were a million (not literally ) decisions to make.

from pricing to how many products and advertisements, man i am glad that part is over.


What was ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day?

The answer to this question is definitely the versatility of our product. our product was so versatile that almost

every grade bought at least 10 per grade.


What was ONE thing you  learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day?


This is by far the hardest question. but that one thing was probably that we were not aloud to

   to do anything on our own.


What was the BEST part of Market Day?


The best part of market day was by far the day when we got to take the profit home.

Oh how good it felt to bring $16.25 home in my pocket.


What is ONE Thing you’d change if you had to do it again?


The one thing I would probably by the amount we ask from the V.C. We could

have only asked for $22! but we asked for $26.

What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I learned from Market Day?


The most important thing I learned at market is that group work is the mastermind behind each business. no company in market day is run by one mind alone.


How will this affect my future learning?


This will affect my learning by making me never take more responsibility than anyone in my group.

By James Oosterhouse

Market Day Essay

Investing K.F.C. (kid’s, fun, chains,) will bring a positive return to everyone involved.

[: By: James Oosterhouse, Kaylie DeYoung, Joel Antkoviak :]

          economist                   author                 engineer

Slogan: Our keychains are sure to make your day jingle!


Remember that old grey backpack you had? Do you wish you could brighten

it up just a little? Well, now you can! We guarantee you that our keychains will

brighten up your old backpack! If you invest in our company we guarantee you’ll get

your money back! You can trust K.F.C to sell out, plus, we are sponsoring

a little girl named Abigail who lives in the Philippines. She needs money to

go to Grace Christian Community School. If we raise $24  we will have enough

money for her to go to that school. Remember: “Our keychains are sure to make

your day jingle!



Reason #1

You should invest in K.F.C. (Kids, Fun , Chains) because it is sure to bring profit to all sides of this: you, us ,and our customers! we are making key chains for only 23 cents and we are selling them for 1$.

This means if we sell all 100 of our keychains we will have a huge profit margin. The potential profit is $73. We are asking You for $26 we will give you $28.60 back. guaranteed!

Reason #2

You should invest in K.F.C. because it will bring a positive return to everyone involved  This will happen because our product is a very versatile product that appeals to all ages and genders. This is important because that means we will have many potential customer. This is true and here is our proof: We took a survey of apx. 120 kids and key chains came out on top.

Reason #3

Best of all ; Investing in K.F.C. will not only bring a positive return to you and us, but it will also bring a

positive return on a student in the Philippines. We are sponsoring a girl named Abigail Bautista.

we are giving $24.00 of our pure profit to her education so that her family could send her to a Christian

school instead of a dumpy 100 student per class public school. The $24.00 we are donating to Abigail’s tuition will go a very long way because in the Philippines their tuition is only $450. This money will really help Abigail go to Grace Community Christian School.


You should invest in K.F.C Key chains because it is sure to bring profit to all sides of this: you, us ,and our customers! And because it will bring a positive return to everyone involved. You should also invest  because you will definitely get you money back. so will you help or cause?

Cost: Amazon« Meijer
Beads 3c per 180 bead keychain 20c per 64 bead keychain
Chains 14c per keychain 9c only ring – chain
Overall 17c without rentals 24c with rentals 29c without rentals 35c with rentals

4th Grade Essay #3

Everyone’s Actions Affect Their Health.

By James Oosterhouse


Do you want to have fun and feel good? Then listen to this essay!!!

Hello, my name is James Oosterhouse. today I will be writing an essay

for you to read. It will tell you that… Everyone’s actions affect their

health, eat a healthy diet, exercise, it helps you stay healthy, and

Reason 1

Do you want to have fun and feel good? Then listen to this reason!!!

Especially students need to eat healthy. As many people say, “Breakfast

is the most important meal of the day.” they’re right! Breakfast is a very important because if you have a healthy breakfast, you will eventually become even smarter! Stay healthy plays a big part in this.

for example: if you don’t stay healthy, this will do nothing!!!


Reason 2

Do you want to have fun and feel good? Then listen to this reason!!!

how much do daily habits like diet and exercise affect your health?

more than you think. 589,430 americans die of cancer, and ⅓ of them are

linked to poor diet, physical inactivity and carrying too much weight. so stay healthy!!!

Reason 3

Do you want to have fun and feel good? Then listen to this reason!!!

Smoking is responsible for many diseases, such as cancer , chronic respiratory diseases and heart disease. did you know that over 440,000  

      in the U.S. die of  smoking and 100,000 people in the U.K. die each                        year from smoking alone. 90% of lung cancer victims developed their disease      from smoking too.


Now after you read this essay, I hope you

realize that your actions affect your health. I really hope you agree with me

after you read all 3 reasons in this essay. Reason 1: eat healthy.

Reason 2: stay healthy always and you will have less cancer possibilities.

And Reason 3: Don’t smoke!!! It is very unhealthy

“Happiness lies in good health alone” – Ingrid Bergman


link to real thing- Click HERE