4th Grade Essay 2

Winter Olympics Is A Good Thing To Do

By James Oosterhouse


Hello, My name is James; and today i’ve been writing

a essay to tell YOU That Winter Olympics (W.O.) Is A Good

THing To Do. In This Essay I use 3 Reasons to help support my thesis,

Those reasons are, one it is fun, 2 it is good exercise and 3 ,it is something

else productive to do at recess

Chapter 1


Winter Olympics Is A Good Thing To Do BEcause One Reason is if you do

the 2 & 3 person events you can develop valuable Teamwork and also

more importantly from a kids perspective, It is fun.

And for a kid, that is the most important reason.

Chapter 2


Another reason W.O. is a  good thing to do is it can be good exercise.

It also is a good way to stay active at recess and is more

productive than drawing pics on the wall with snow.


Chapter 3

In Addition to all of this, another reason that winter olympics is a

good thing to do because it is another productive thing to do at recess.

For example, this is way more productive than stuff like drawing

and writing stuff with snow on the walls.




Now after you read my essay, i hope you agree with me that winter

Olympics is a good thing to do, and i especially hope you

agree with me after all three of my reasons, it is fun, it is good exercise,

and it is something else productive to do at recess.

And finally, I really hope you enjoyed my essay!


By James Oosterhouse


blog number two


I learned from the experiment that the launcher hits the pinball witch causes  ACTION- REACTION. I also learned that the flipper must hit the ball causing ACCELERATION. The more MASS the more ACCELERATION.

The FORCE of the launcher moves the ball witch is inetia the motion of the marble makes it go up and hit the back bourd.


Musical Story (Thanksgiving Week Story)

           The Concert

A couple of weeks a  go we had a 1-4th grade choir concert.

We just finished the concert and we were walking and my grandpa said “ Oh fiddlesticks, I dropped my lense!”

Thats when i noticed that Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke were all ready on there knees and searching

So I did to. My grandpa  went inside to look with my mom. Me, my dad, , my brother, and Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke were all searching for that lense. Then Mr. And Mrs. Van Dyke had to leave but before that they said

“ well I hope you find it, it’s probably just in his other pocket.”

After that we went inside. When we were inside I asked my grandpa,

“ Have you checked your other pocket?”

He did and guess what, IT WAS IN HIS OTHER POCKET!

Then me and my dad both said, “ Mr. Van Dyke totally called it!”

Pinball-Marbles On A ramp

Pinball-Marbles On Ramp



I learned from the last experiment…

That the higher the angle is the more speed it has.   I also learned that the smaller the marble the more speed it has.  Another thing is that with a larger marble, gravity uses more force , causing more friction.

I also learned that the smaller ball accelerates  more at the beginning.


The bigger marble has more  WEIGHT  the marble has  the  faster it will  ACCELERATE .  THE SMALLER MARBLE THE SLOWER IT GOES BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE AS MUCH  WEIGHT!


Jesus is the Best Gift of All

Jesus is the best gift of all


I believe that Jesus is the best gift of all because look at the gift Jesus gave us, eternal life, compared to somethings like a PS4, Mac Book  Air , or a xbox one. Which is better? eternal life all the way.


for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever belives in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


Underground R.R.(slave story)

The Life of Being a “Favorite Slave” in the 1800s

(and escaping in the 1800s)


My name is Sylvester, I’m 13 and as my master says, “I am very intelligent.” my master is very nice to me because of this”intelligence”. His plantation is just south of Ohio.  My master has broken many laws by teaching me to read and write. I think this my be important for my escape. My master even once gave me a geography lesson. As you can probably see, I’m the favorite slave. All the other slaves have to pick tobacco all day long. Really the only bad part about this life is the food. I’m only aloud to eat a quarter bushel(13 pounds) of corn meal a week!


It is July fourth. And i decided to escape today. Today is perfect because master and his wife are gone to see something called  “fireworks”. I have heard rummers that they are big lights. hopefully it will be light enough to see to escape. once I reach the edge of the plantation I heard a bark. I ran and ran until I saw daybreak. In the  day i hide and at night I run and run. I think it must have been two weeks until i reached the Ohio River.


Swish Swish Swish I crossed the Ohio River. Oh how good a feeling to be free when I got to Ohio. But then to my surprise,a big White man named Simion Press

was standing right in front of me. he said to me,”Come with me young black, and I’ll bring you to safety.” I followed him for about 2 miles I reckon, and then we went into another house. Inside this house was a very splendid family! They took care of me like I was the king of ol’  England. I stopped at many more house like that one, until I reached ol’ canada.


2 years after i reached freedom in Ohio, I settled in a town called “Godrich” On Harbour ST. ( reel places; Press here to go there )It was quite nice here. it had everything I need, from food and water to a house and a pet cat.


3 years after I reached freedom in  Ohio, the civil war started. it was horrible. I heard that 100s of 1,000s have already been killed. Now good old James Buchanan is no longer president and now a guy named “Abraham Lincoln” became president. I do think though that James would take this war stuff better…NOT


Passover Past Night

One night my parents told me ” Go get our best lamb , for dinner tonight.” So I did. But just as reached home father told me” Quickly get inside, I’ll take the lamb .” I went inside. Father soon returned with a platter of cooked lamb, bitter herbs, and some bread without yeast. Father told us all” Let’s eat.”

˙         ˙               ˙                ˙                ˙                   ˙                  ˙         ˙        ˙

Once we were done eating father said to me” Remember , tonight if you here screams just ignore  them. And we”ll leave by morning and be gone by day.”

By James Oosterhouse

Paper Route 96

Paper Route 96 By James Oosterhouse
Chapter 1

“Jacob!” Mom yelled from on the couch.” You’re going to be late for your school paper route!
“What” Jacob grumbled from his bed.
“Jacob!!!” Mom yelled again but now standing up.
“Ah!” screamed Jacob. “It was a school paper route day!” Jacob jumped out of his bed and ran into the living room. His mom was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.
“Quick get dressed and eat breakfast. You overslept bigtime. It’s 8:05 and school starts at 8:40.” Mom commanded.
“Ok let’s leave at 15 after.” Jacob answered.

˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
“ok were here” thought jacob.
. “I need to go to my class and hang up my back pack and deliver my 27 different papers.
“Bye honey!” Mom said mom in a soft voice from the drivers seat.
“See ya soon mom.” Yelled Jacob while getting out of the car.” alright “ Thought Jacob”It’s time” Jacob ran into the school down the 4th grade hall and into the 5th grade commons. He found Mrs. Simmons class then got the papers. then all of a sudden jacob heard a “STOP!!!!” Mrs. simmons yelled.” this is the last time Jacob nyye berry. .
“Jacob Nyye Berry! To the principal’s office you go!!!”
Jacob’s heart sank, down, down, down.

Chapter 2
Jacob sat on the bench outside the principal’s office. (His School) had a new principal this year. His name was Principal Cyan. I think he is nice because Louisville Christian school system usually has good principals. Teachers on the other hand, aren’t always good. Put at CS 96 every adult is awesome. Suddenly principal Cyan appeared and said in a booming voice “Are you Jacob Nyye Berry?”
“Yes” Jacob replied in this situation seemed like a puny voice.
“How about we go in and talk/” Principal Cyan grumbled.
Once they were inside Principal Cyan Started to talk. He said” So why exactly were you running for the 5th time this year?”
“ I was running because as you probably know Mrs. Koop hired me for the school paper route and…”
“Ok, Ok, Ok. Here’s what’s going to happen, you’re going to get a yellow card, but if you come here one more time, its a two week detention.” ” Now Get Back To Class!!!!”

Chapter 3

6 Days later  and 4 hours


“Mom can you take my temp. i’m feeling kind of hot,” Yelled J.N.

“sure honey,” answered mom.

“Uh oh, you’re temp. is 101 degrees,”

                                     You’re going to have to skip school tomorrow , and another paper route.

“NOOOOOO! I only earned $25.00 and i’ll get fired like a furnace. I need $75.00 for a Louisville slugger,” screamed J.N.

“Honey how about i enter you in a competition called paper route 96. The prizes are $75.00 for first   $50.00 for second and $25.00 for third,” mom explained.

“so if i took second i could buy a louisville slugger,” exclaimed J.N.

“correct, and you have a pretty good chance of winning because the subjects are speed and accuracy,” explained mom.

“okay lets do it,’’ exclaimed J.N.



“J.N.,” yelled mom “its time for your competition”.

“coming” yelled J.N. J.N. ran out the door, forgetting to say goodbye to his mom.

He hopped on his bike and zipped down the road.

“ok lets stop the school thing and think game the plan be chuck like a woodchuck or point like my pointer finger. I think i’ll point,”

J.N. hopped off his bike and went into the gymnasium where the competition was being held.

once j.N. was inside he registered and got his number. j.N. was number 53 that meant he had to beat 52 people. “this is going to be harder than i thought,” thought J.N.

when j.N. got ready to start he heard the announcer say “number 52 jim overseas, and number 53 Jacob Nyye berry” ok lets do this thing,” whispered j.N. i need to at least get second place to get my bat.

J.N. got on the bike.

“ready set go,” yelled the announcer

J.N. pedaled as fast as he could then he threw a paper, here and a paper on the other side

finally he was done, the announcer said “ in second place is jacob Nyye berry”. YEEAAHH! he screamed he ran to his mom and almost jumped on  her. “ now lets go get that slugger,” he yelled cheerfully.


J.N. Yelled from his deck to his friend Robby, ”do you want to play baseball? we have enough players for a team.”

“Alright,” J.N. thought from the batter’s box. “the bases are loaded bottom of the ninth two outs and were down by three points. If I hit a grand slam we win.”



when he finally got to the competition he saw the meanest toughest kid at school, Russ Simmons(son of Mrs. Simmons. Russ simons once got a two week detention for bullying a first grader.

The ball whirled toward home plate, J.N. locked and loaded and swang. the ball whirled through the air and over the fence! J.N.’s entire team mobbed him.

all of a sudden J.N. felt Gatorade flow down his back.

(p.s. J.N. hit the grand slam with his louisville slugger which soon became his lucky bat.)