Thoughts on jesus’ crucifixion

A poster that I kinda struggled with the most would have to be, trusting in God, because theres always that part of you that never thinks that God will keep any promise for you even when he’s already done all sorts of stuff, stuff that you don’t realize. If Jesus could trust God that everything would be ok, even when he new that his mission on earth would be to get crucified, I think that we can trust God in whatever God wants up to do.

God sightings

I would have to say, that I actually saw God this weekend when I did a yoga class this weekend, I now that guys aren’t really suppose to do yoga, but I really felt relaxed, and I could sense God in the calm, I also learned that a 71 year old laddie is more flexible to.

Thematic essay

Jacob Spaulding

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

19 october 2015

The name of this book is called Powerless and it is written by Matthew’s about all these kid with superpowers and it’s only in this small of a nothing town that know one has heard of, the only person that isn’t a super kid is the main character (which I don’t remember his name). And every once in awhile one of the kids are creeped out because the keep seeing this one sort of griever thing that you think that you would see on halloween. Eventually these kids would just disappear and they never come back except for one kid and he became the kids enemies in school so they thought that this sort of griever thing was taking the kids and doing something to them. The weird thing was that this would all happen right when they were about 14 years old. Finally when the new kid comes ( who has no superpowers) finds out and he sees the griever try to get his friend he decides to sleep over at his friend’s house to see if he can stop his (my only question is if this griever is able to take these kids with superpowers how is this kid with no powers gonna try to stop him).

In the book Powerless, it shows that you should never give up on anyone or anything that you care about.


I feel like that there are many times where it shows that you should never give up.

I can remember one time in this book when the main character first moved into the town he was getting bullied by some of the bad supers and even though he hadn’t known his new friends yet they ended up saving him from a cliff. After they did that he started to hang out with them and do whatever they wanted to and helped them save others even though he wasn’t even a super.


Again I feel like in the next part in the book it also shows that you should never give up in what you believe in. What happened was one of his friends had been chased by the griever type guy and so he decided even though he didn’t have any powers that he would sneak over against what his parents said brought tons of pop so that they wouldn’t fall asleep and then stayed  night after night to make sure that his friend didn’t get taken and even though he didn’t have any powers he wasn’t afraid to save his friend. It didn’t really work because his friend ended up getting taken.


But he didn’t give up even when he did get taken away he still went after the griever to same his friend from death. What happened was he accidently fell asleep and unlucky for the griever because he woke up right as his friend got dragged out of the window. So he ran after them and he knew he was greatly outmuscled but even though all of this was stacked up against him he went and after being captured at least one time and some help of some of his other super friends he got his friend out and stopped the griever for forever.

In the book Powerless, it shows that you should never give up on anyone or anything that you care about. In my opinion I feel like this book was decent it was kind of cool how the superheroes weren’t really the true hero at all it was the only kid that didn’t have any superpowers. and it would’ve never happened unless he didn’t help his friend even went there was not a chance to do anything