República Dominicana

Cabarate es una divertido cosa hacer en Republica Dominicana, Cabarate es una vela y tabla y ustedes cabalga sobre las olas. Tambien hay ChocoMueso, ChocoMueso es una casa y tu degustar su chocolate de Republica Dominica. Y cuevas de República Dominicana es muy popular en la República Dominicana.

La Comida de República Dominicana es muy delicioso aqui estan algunos alimentos sorprendentes: sancho, mangu, y habichuelas y arroz blanco.


Republica Dominicana

El Republica Dominicana es en Norte Americana, paises cerca de Republica Dominicana es Haiti. El Pacifico Oceano es cerca de Republica Dominicana. Este es un foto de capital.  5f7d3d2f9407ee0bac2d2073d4aa2b4b

Y foto de bandera La Bandera colores es rojo, azul, amarillo, verde y blancoimgres

My Summer

I did a Gus Macker Basketball Tournament and overall played a lot of basketball. I also hung out with friends. But overall I loved going to Montana to Yellowstone.

Boston Massacre-Colonist Point of View

Because of the Quartering Act the british were allowed to go into the colonists           houses and destroy them without respect of what they bought with their own money. But the british had the disadvantage because they were in the colonies so the colonists would vote for there own opinion rather then the british.


Mrs. Genzink – Touching Person

Mrs. Genzink is the type of person that you want to be when you are older, and someone you look up to.

For me she was a Teacher, a person who I looked up to, and most of all a FRIEND to all who need it.

When everyone found out they were in pure shock, some people thought that she was going to go in summer. Then there was a spark of hope that started to light, and to brighten her path.  Then it started going down hill and God covered that spark up to show a different thing, a better thing that we haven’t seen yet.  God will soon show great things.

Pray FOr the Genzink family in this hard time of grief and Despair.



How do i learn spelling the best?

  • Doing practice test(Spelling City)

  • Spelling Partner in same group (Worksheets definitions, spell.)

How can Mr. commeret do a better job of helping kids learn spelling.

  • One on Ones.

  • Pages worksheets.

Market Day Reflection

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

Collaboration as working in a group can be hard working on ledgers and papers because it’s not just one mind that’s speaking.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

You’ve to be thinking sharp as a person and group

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

You have to think outside of the box the biggest one.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

One of the things that was a loss was Emailing people when the people don’t have their email at home.

  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

Seeing the money go to a charity event (ABEGAIL!)

  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

The time that was spent doing it.

  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning?

It’s hard owning a business!

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ZCS to the Zoo!

What I’m excited about!

  • I am excited to see the Zebras because there my favorite animal.
  • I’m also excited to see the Sting Rays and pet them!
  • I’m mostly excited about the time that we can spend there as a class and bond before 5th grade.

I’m Curious And woried about…

  • If someone will get hurt.
  • If someone will fall asleep on the way home.
  • If someone will get scared of an animal.

The Lemonade War Thesis

The Lemonade War teaches us that Competition can be hard but don’t do anything to antagonize the other competitor to do the same or worse. Things can be rough in the business world even at kid level. Everything can happen from one little thing in life.imgres

Psalm 51:10-12

imgres-1Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.